per AJC: significant announcement for GT football

The weak get weaker.If it was Bay Bay and Morgan just receiving a shirt and watch who the hell would go to the trouble of even reporting it?? The major blow would be if someone at Tech knew about the violation and didn't report to Johnson or Drad!!!!:ohnoes:

"Thomas and Burnette recieved extra benefits and were working with agents dating back to late 2008. Looks like some scholarships will be lost and wins from those seasons will be vacated. Another couple years of probation and potentially no bowls due to the infractions soon after getting off probation."

We are going to lose our championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
now hold on a minute.. they're not taking away our 08 win against uga. i will punch someone if that happens. i don't care who, the first person i see.

i hope my boss doesn't walk into my office today
a asian girl---obviously a metaphor for a Tech girl
getting humped by a bulldog

"Thomas and Burnette recieved extra benefits and were working with agents dating back to late 2008. Looks like some scholarships will be lost and wins from those seasons will be vacated. Another couple years of probation and potentially no bowls due to the infractions soon after getting off probation."

Where the öööö did you find this? I don't see it in the story. Are just being a ööööing douche?
öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö, öööö
yeah---so many Tech fans in the seats of those bowls.

"Thomas and Burnette recieved extra benefits and were working with agents dating back to late 2008. Looks like some scholarships will be lost and wins from those seasons will be vacated. Another couple years of probation and potentially no bowls due to the infractions soon after getting off probation."
this better be not serious
I'm 61-0 with 41 knock outs in here....just as Akin----you dont wanna get into a cyberbully war with me