per AJC: significant announcement for GT football

PerfectOption posted something in the "comments" section which was posted by most likely a UGA fan.....nothing credibile there.
Anyone going to see The Gourds tonight? If I were in ATL I wouldnt miss it.
Now back to PANICKING !!!!!!
Well, if it's in the comments is bullshit.

Not A Nerd
July 14th, 2011
11:20 am

DThomas and Morgan Burnette recieved extra benefits and were working with agents dating back to late 2008. Looks like some schollys will be lost and wins from those seasons will be vacated. Another couple years of probation and potentially no bowls due to the infractions soon after getting off probation……..

Definitely BS
do people around here pay attention to you?

The trolling around here is genuinely sad and pathetic. Most of the intelligent people around here do ignore things like that, but sometimes people can't help themselves and they feed them.
Dems, thanks for the info. Can you let us know any more or are we stuck suffering and waiting until 3PM?

How come no one knew about this sooner?
As dumb as the AJC is only ours and UGAys retarded fans misspell Morgan Burnett's last name.
It's very plausible. Only reason we would react so quickly would be because it affects our chance to go to the post season.
Where the öööö did you find this? I don't see it in the story. Are just being a ööööing douche?

Let's see, Burnett is misspelled and the second sentence is actually a sentence fragment.

Pretty sure that's legit AJC copy.
I'm 61-0 with 41 knock outs in here....just as Akin----you dont wanna get into a cyberbully war with me

dude, gtblazer works parttime as a bouncer at the cockpit, you don't want to piss him off.
the goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain


This is the best post I've seen in a long, long time. Very appropriate and excellently timed.

3:00 PM EST - NCAA Chair of Infractions to hold conference call
4:00 PM EST - GT Football team meeting
4:30 PM EST - Bud Peterson and Dan Rakovich to hold press conference
Yea, that comment is completely inaccurate. If anything, only those three games I mentioned were involved. I know nothing of the NCAA decision but I wouldn't be surprised if we have to vacate the ACC Championship.