per AJC: significant announcement for GT football


Paul: I'm holding a seashell up to my ear son, and I can hear an ocean of I-don't-give-a-öööö. It's the best white noise machine a man can buy. I'd sleep with two of them strapped to my ears if I cared about sleep or life.
This couldn't happen at a worse time....aren't we having our recruiting camp this weekend? If so, I doubt we'll see any recruits commit....maybe gun shy from all this noise. Is this just bad timing by the NCAA or do they have it out for us?
I was at lunch for the past 1.5 hours...anything newsworthy happen?
Are we sure this is about players receiving improper benefits? It seems to me that Bay bay and Morgan Burnett would have no reply or "no comment" responses rather than denying the allegations.
This is why we're appealing. If they didn't take these things, then where the öööö did the NCAA get the notion that they did?

Exactly. And this brings us back to the original, most important question: What the öööö is going on?
Are we sure this is about players receiving improper benefits? It seems to me that Bay bay and Morgan Burnett would have no reply or "no comment" responses rather than denying the allegations.

We don't know jack öööö except for a bunch of rumor and nuance that some are reporting.
Maybe it's about something else?

Thanks, EDSBS, for the first ever ContactBuzz sig.

I'm considering the same route, but I would've gone with below.

Paul: I'm holding a seashell up to my ear son, and I can hear an ocean of I-don't-give-a-öööö. It's the best white noise machine a man can buy. I'd sleep with two of them strapped to my ears if I cared about sleep or life.
Are we sure this is about players receiving improper benefits? It seems to me that Bay bay and Morgan Burnett would have no reply or "no comment" responses rather than denying the allegations.

Yeah because no one's ever lied about being guilty.

I really hope it's about Dede and the iPod. I mean, we're boned anyway, we should at least have some fun with it.
Zach Klein

I just received text from former Yellow Jacket Safety Morgan Burnett: "I did not knowingly or unknowingly receive any gifts from any agents during my time at Georgia Tech. These reports are baseless and False."

Both players responding decisively seems good, right?
Most times we hear about these things the players keep their mouths shut (i.e. guilt).
Someone "in the know" want to explain to me why Geoff Collins' name was popping up earlier in regards to his recruiting?

The team meeting at 4 worries me, because I hope we aren't going to have to ask any of our guys to leave.