per AJC: significant announcement for GT football

I bet they're going to try to force us to vacate some 2009 wins (which is crap) or we're losing some current players due to recruiting BS.
without making me read 46 pages of posts, is there anyone that can give me a general summary of what we know to be true so far?

AJC posted a story this morning that said that the NCAA had been investigating Tech for possible violations. Announcement will be today. Other than that, everything else is pure speculation.
I still say öööö the NCAA. Can can auction off his services, Butch can do w/e the öööö he wants and say "Huh?", Brian Kelly can give stacks of cash to moms, and none of them get punished. I wonder how much they are paying these NCAA investigators to keep their öööö shut about them.


Yeah cause UNC didn't lose a bunch of players last year and isn't awaiting more punishment.

And Oregon's definitely not being investigated right now.

Plus it's pretty ridiculous that the NCAA gave up on the Cam investigation already.

But then again, I guess it's just like always...if a football factory pays a star player who wins the Heisman and a BCS title, the NCAA's just going to look the other way.
We need to get Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Jackson, Rep. John Lewis, and Rev. Lowery to form a march ASAP.
An agent allegedly stole some shirts and watches from Macy's while doing some Christmas shopping with two players; he stuffed the stolen items into the players shopping bags and the players knowingly or unknowingly left the store with said items.

I dont get it, why would this lead to an investigation?:dunno:
An agent allegedly stole some shirts and watches from Macy's while doing some Christmas shopping with two players; he stuffed the stolen items into the players shopping bags and the players knowingly or unknowingly left the store with said items.

You left out that the agent also murdered the mall security guard.
No post season bans. No loss of schollarships.

I feel like I just took an enormous brain öööö.

wesleyd21 sighs with relief....

Thank God.
I dont get it, why would this lead to an investigation?:dunno:

Because the AJC spun the story into something much more malicious and sent it to the NCAA's compliance department. The NCAA was going to ignore it but then John Swofford got wind of it and demanded a full investigation be launched. His proposal is that UNC should now receive some leniency in punishment because the ACC self-reported GT's violations.

Paul Johnson wants you to eat a sack lunch off his taint.

That's about it so far.

The main NCAA complaint has been that Coach Johnson partied like a sailor and got a tattoo of Bella Vita, all while knowing we were being investigated.:naughty:
Because the AJC spun the story into something much more malicious and sent it to the NCAA's compliance department. The NCAA was going to ignore it but then John Swofford got wind of it and demanded a full investigation be launched. His proposal is that UNC should now receive some leniency in punishment because the ACC self-reported GT's violations.

I feel like we're playing a game of Telephone or something... :facepalm:
The öööö they have. What they've done is run with an incomplete story to sell papers/attract viewers/get site hits. öööö both of them.
Incomplete story is all everyone has when there is a breaking news story. It's not like you weren't begging for rumors from demjackets.