Peters parking gone?

living room parking gif | WiffleGif
Just what I need, to look out and see my ranchero leaking oil and transmission fluid from my high rise condo.
This document reads like a wet dream from an urban planning commission. Just like that the cars will go away. I agree with moving parking to exterior locations but we can't just get rid of it entirely. IMO the Student Center parking is on the edge of campus so isn't an issue.
Pretty much. It is right at Northside and Marietta. They do need to change the ingress and egress. Maybe change Ferst?
Pretty much. It is right at Northside and Marietta. They do need to change the ingress and egress. Maybe change Ferst?

Campus has kind of started expanding across Tech Parkway, so the Student Center isn’t as “edge of campus” as it used to be. There was also some stuff in there about realigning Northside Dr. (not sure what that’s about).

I dunno, a lot of this kind of stuff has been in various master plans for decades (like no vehicles in the center of campus) with mixed results. Nothing is going to happen real fast.

As I said already, they can just put the park on top of the deck.
If the goal is greenspace this could be done. The goal seems to be elimination of cars which would require demolition.
I think you could make an argument for getting rid of parking at Peter’s or make a way to have parking only on game day.

You can’t get rid of SC deck or CRC deck.
If you're dozing you're asleep
CSB: Once upon a time, Tech PD woke me from dozing in my car while I was parked in Peters. I was just resting before classes after having dropped my GF off at work. I had a permit. My guess is it was a wellness check and they wanted to make sure I wasn't dead.
The illustration looks just like Peters looked in the 70’s
Not exactly an original idea
When did they close the 3rd street tunnel?

I think they only open it during game days. Became too much of a crime hazard years ago, dunno when they actually started closing it off.

I think they only open it during game days. Became too much of a crime hazard years ago, dunno when they actually started closing it off.

So the hazard is just going to be mysteriously gone now for them to be able to open it 24/7?