That's been a standard gripe for over 60 years in NW Georgia where there's a pretty substantial industrial base - one of the last bastions of the textile business in the US - around first Rossville (Peerless Mills), then the carpet mills of Rome, Dalton & the schools in Whitfield & Murray counties, and now Mohawk Industries in Calhoun, Sonoraville & Gordon County. I guess the same was true in Gainesville & Hall County with the poultry business or over in Jefferson with GT Bryans' & Jefferson Mills.
"Hire the parents & oh, by the way, their kids are jocks, the schools must be cheating."
Once the agrarian economies shifted to industrial bases, all of a sudden schools are guilty of recruiting. Funny how people migrate to where the jobs are, which, oh by the way, is how a bunch of Okies ended up in Bakersfield during the Dust Bowl/Depression days of the 1930s - that's where the jobs were.
Yeah, you touched a nerve in this old Dalton boy's body. For us it was motivation, initiative and drive to do better, get better, work harder to escape one level and elevate one's lifestyle & socio-economic status, in order words, to be successful.
From one whose family lived in NW Georgia off & on since the mid-1800s.