Stephen Hill just declared for the NFL draft.

His form sucks ass and he isn't physical at all. He's not evenclose to Bebe or Calvin. Kid made one highlight catch versus UNC and ---- went to his head.

He's no Bebe or Calvin. But like I said, with a solid combine showing, he can work himself up to the upper rounds.

Truth be told, I can't really blame him. He looked at our QB situation next year and that probably was a factor.
What could possibly happen over the next year to make his NFL worth any higher than it is now?

If he can't catch now, how's he going to catch in a year?
Also, I think he will go alot higher in the draft than most people think.
So........who is gonna step up next season :/ ---- might get bad.

WR is not a big concern to me. We have Jeff Greene, Darren Waller, Demon Smith, Daniel McKayhan, and Chris Jackson (who has been craving a spot on the field). We have enough talent to field two good wide-outs.
The players must really don't like it at Tech if they're leaving early to be drafted in the 4th Round.
WR is not a big concern to me. We have Jeff Greene, Darren Waller, Demon Smith, and Chris Jackson (who has been craving a spot on the field). We have enough talent to field two good wide-outs.

When all you have coming in are guys with no experience but potential... its a concern.

What you said is like the Hive mentality. They would predict ACC championships based on a class of kids who never played a down in college.
Good luck, Stephen. Wish you the best.

Hill acknowledged the possibility that he could go undrafted, but that “just going ahead and getting started with my career, that was my No. 1 focus.”
Sounds like to me he doesn't like school. Considering he was held out of the bowl game last year due to academic issues, not a big surprise.
When all you have coming in are guys with no experience but potential... its a concern.

What you said is like the Hive mentality. They would predict ACC championships based on a class of kids who never played a down in college.
True, but do you think we need a seasoned veteran to catch some of those wide-open balls that Hill dropped?

Hill was a great blocker this year, though...
We're surely going to miss him. He must be dying to get out of Tech if he's declaring this year. I wish him luck though
He must be dying to get out of Tech if he's declaring this year.

Seems like every player at GT who has a choice to either go or stay almost always goes... this isn't just football either, it's basketball too.
So, next year we'll have almost zero experience at WR. That can't be good for outside blocking. I like what I saw from Waller (albeit special teams) and Greene (albeit in practice).

Whatever. I hope we only throw the ball 10 times next season.
Sounds like we have a litter full of kids who are clashing with Paul Johnson. Happened last year. Happening this year. CPJ better fix this ---- because its VERY TELLING.


Where is this coming from? Take last year off the table, where's the evidence for this year?
Where is this coming from? Take last year off the table, where's the evidence for this year?
I heard there was a bad seed, and all our players are smoking dope...
Funny how you guys are quick to take a dump on a guy once he leaves. Hill was a really good player for us this year. Without him I doubt we go 8-4. Good luck to him