No, Herschel Walker was not a ööööing coin flip from going to the military. He was an EXTREMELY highly regarded recruit, moron. Bill Curry has even spoken about trying to recruit Herschel for Georgia Tech saying he "mistakenly believed that he could convince the Walker family about the benefits of a Georgia Tech education" making it clear they were looking for much, much more. I remember my middle school buddy Allen, big UGAg fan, coming to school and bragging that UGAg got Herschel. He was a phenom. The closed in end zone at UGAg is known to the older fans as the "house that Hershel built"
You're a ööööing idiot. A bonafide moron. You have no ööööing idea what in the hell you are talking about. Not a damn clue. Walker would have been BY FAR the best recruit in the history of our program, if a miracle had happened, and may have turned the tide for GT football. He was that damn good in HS and EVERYONE knew it.
And, douchebag, you said Alabama DID NOT OFFER Bo Jackson.