Texas A&M too SEC ?

It may be more wishing on my part, but I feel losing Mizzou to the SEC the Big 10's big splash would come in the form of MD and GT. :turbonoes:
SEC going to 16 means B1G going to 16. How is it in this scenario that we don't get taken?
SEC going to 16 means B1G going to 16. How is it in this scenario that we don't get taken?

Big X finds four more appealing teams than us.

I've always said Big X made no sense for us but IF this (Clemson and FSU to SEC) is true, then we'd better pray like hell we get into the Big X.
Is us to the Big 10 wishful thinking by us? Has there ever been an actual concrete rumor about them?
Take TCU from the Big East and every other team we can grab and hope to remain AQ. Then it is MANDATORY that we run the table.
Big X finds four more appealing teams than us.

I've always said Big X made no sense for us but IF this (Clemson and FSU to SEC) is true, then we'd better pray like hell we get into the Big X.

Which four you have in mind?

Potential Big 10 candidates (considering Mizzou off the table):

Syracuse (?)
WVU (?)
Cincy (?)
Louisville (?)

Question marks are school not in the AAU. I've never understood whether Big 10 just prefers AAU or it's a hard line rule.

Did I miss any?
I figured a year ago that the ACC was a dead conference. If and I say IF all that has been reported is indeed fact Tech is in a world of hurt. The NC mafia and their lackey Swafford does not seem to have taken any action to make the ACC stronger if we lose FSU or MIA or Clemson etc. Another question is brought up and that is why Clemson? They already have SCar. Another question is I don't understand is the SEC already has pretty much sewed up ATL so what would they gain by adding Tech except to keep any other strong conference out. Tech should be going to the B10 and making a pitch after all the B10 gets ATL and a pretty good team in Tech. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Someone on the Hive suggested this could be planned leak by the SEC to put pressure on OU to join.
SEC going to 16 means B1G going to 16. How is it in this scenario that we don't get taken?

B/c we are a 2nd tier football team with a (currently) basement dwelling basketball program and a weak fanbase way outside the B1G footprint. Not a lot of big selling points for GT
Which four you have in mind?

Potential Big 10 candidates (considering Mizzou off the table):

WVU (?)
Cincy (?)
Louisville (?)

Question marks are school not in the AAU. I've never understood whether Big 10 just prefers AAU or it's a hard line rule.

Did I miss any?
considering the big 10 network subscription fees, a NY market school is a must. I assume ND still remains independent.
The SEC is joing the NFL?

I can't imagine the other SEC schools liking this... makes it even more difficult than it already is to win.
Which four you have in mind?

Potential Big 10 candidates (considering Mizzou off the table):

Syracuse (?)
WVU (?)
Cincy (?)
Louisville (?)

Question marks are school not in the AAU. I've never understood whether Big 10 just prefers AAU or it's a hard line rule.

Did I miss any?

I don't know I think we would have a good shot because we are in Atlanta. But I also don't think our program itself is all that more appealing to the Big X than several of the programs you just listed.

If they take four I think we have a good shot. If they take two then I think we could be in trouble. I don't even want to think of what happens if they stay at twelve.

Also I agree ND stays independent.
It would be pretty dumb for them to stay at 12. The Pac-16 will surely happen, so being in the position to be the third superconference with all the TV dolla dollas and not taking it is just unrealistically dumb.
öööö just got real. Like others have said, ESPN running banners saying Texas A&M to SEC. FSU, Clemson, and Mizzou are likely to join as well.

First off, I see nothing about this on the ESPN website. I see Tiger dropping out of another tournament. Surely this would be bigger news than that?

However, if this is the case, then the SEC just pooped their britches. They left the heart of the Southland open to the Big Te-whatever. The SEC has just invited them to foray south and enter the Atlanta market full bore. If Mizzou goes SEC in a 16-team league, then the Big Ten will make overtures to Texas and Notre Dame as well as Maryland and GA Tech. Bye-bye southern football, hello midwestern football.

Other corollaries:
1. Clemson just pooped themselves, too. They have not won an ACC championship since the late 80's and they think they're going to do well in a pumped-up SEC? Really?

2. The SEC just went after stadiums instead of market. Yes, the Greenville-Spartanburg market is growing, but you can name half a dozen others around the south that are bigger and better. Could be they see Charlotte in that mix, but Charlotte is not a Clemson town, it's Carolina Blue.

3. Given FSU and Clemson, I'm really wondering why not GA Tech. We sew up the heart of the SEC (ATL) for them, we bring a quality program up and down, and some academic reputation for a conference virtually devoid of such. Also, by inviting GA Tech, the SEC shuts the door on Big Integer incursion into their heartland. All in all, this smells of something foul.
Why would the SEC add 4 more teams? Their TV contract isn't up for like 15 years, so that's the same money to more teams. I wonder if there's a clause in the contract that requires it to be renegotiated if one or more teams leave / join.
Why would the SEC add 4 more teams? Their TV contract isn't up for like 15 years, so that's the same money to more teams. I wonder if there's a clause in the contract that requires it to be renegotiated if one or more teams leave / join.

Obviously there's a clause. TV contracts would be renegotiated.

One interesting question would be if this does anything to the BCS TV contracts, though.