Texas A&M too SEC ?

The big questions if this is true.....

-Does the SEC stop at 14 or go to 16?
-Do the Pac 12/Big Integer try to match the SEC number?
-Does the Big 12 fold or try to become an 8 team mid-major?
-Does GT promote itself to the SEC/Big Integer or wait to be asked to the dance?

The big questions if this is true.....

-Does the SEC stop at 14 or go to 16?
-Do the Pac 12/Big Integer try to match the SEC number?
-Does the Big 12 fold or try to become an 8 team mid-major?
-Does GT promote itself to the SEC/Big Integer or wait to be asked to the dance?


I think the PacWhatever will take Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and one other (TBD).

Because of the jump to 16 for the PacWhatever, SEC will follow suit......here's where it gets interesting. Most likely the ACC will be raided (think Clemson, FSU, VT, etc...) but places like Mizzou and Kansas are in play because the Big 12 is destroyed.

Texas becomes independent.

If GT hasn't already had some conversations with SEC or Big 10, then we're in BIG trouble.......
I think the PacWhatever will take Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and one other (TBD).

Because of the jump to 16 for the PacWhatever, SEC will follow suit......here's where it gets interesting. Most likely the ACC will be raided (think Clemson, FSU, VT, etc...) but places like Mizzou and Kansas are in play because the Big 12 is destroyed.

Texas becomes independent.

If GT hasn't already had some conversations with SEC or Big 10, then we're in BIG trouble.......

Regional conferences are history. The name of the game is increase the # of televisions as much as possible.

As such, the SEC gains very little by grabbing Clemson and FSU (and Georgia Tech without a threat from BigTeleventybillion). I don't see VT making the break, as the VA legislature played a pretty big role getting them into the ACC. A school I haven't heard being included in SEC talk that makes sense to me is NC State. I recognize they have huge ACC historical ties, but strictly from a business point of view, both sides win big in that deal.
Real first question is who is #14.

Lets be realistic. The SEC will only consider the top school in a new state or the second school in a huge state. And it is 100% about football and football fanbases.

Realistic possibilities for #14. Oklahoma. FSU. VT. UNC.

Now the #2 question is how does it affect Georgie.
#13 won't matter. A&M would add to the West and they would have an imbalanced schedule.
If the #14 team is Oklahoma the east/west needs to be rebalanced. I only see two options
1. Auburn to the East. Obviously Auburn has Alabama as the permanent opponent. Auburn would be a big winner here with more rivalry interest in the East and it would help their recruiting to the east which is where their future players are. Alabama-UT annual rivalry dissolves which could be a sticking point. Finally, the Dawgs would logically pick up A&M or Oklahoma as a permanent opponent which would be good for us.
2. Auburn/Alabama to the east and Kentucky to the west. This makes the most sense schedulewise. You could dissolve the permanent rival which is less desirable since you are probably staying at 8 SEC games. Six on your side one permanent leaves only one rotating which would be a long time between seeing a team. This would be brutal for Georgie to lose an automatic win and pick up two tough ones.

Those are the only two scenarios, both make Georgie's road tougher. Me likey.

As to the other three possible teams. They would add to the East. UGA would generally beat UNC like a drum but the other two would be huge challenges for the Doggies. If the ACC was to lose either we would pick up a lesser team but our road would be that much easier. Frankly we can't sink much lower as VT and FSU were beating the ACC up then losing in bowls or to 1AA teams. Pitiful.
I think that if A&M to SEC is a done deal, we might see an ACC expansion soon as an attempt at self-preservation. At least I think that would be the logical move.

Why did the talks with ND fail in 2003? I read somewhere that ND didn't want to play the full schedule?
The other wildcard out there is what the Big 10 wants to do. Would they feel the need to expand? I could see em raiding the ACC (read TV markets) with the likes of Maryland, GT, UNC, or UVA.
The other wildcard out there is what the Big 10 wants to do. Would they feel the need to expand? I could see em raiding the ACC (read TV markets) with the likes of Maryland, GT, UNC, or UVA.

UNC would never EVER leave the ACC. Period.
UNC would never EVER leave the ACC. Period.

What if there is no ACC left?

The ACC is not a "hunter" in these scenarios (unless you want to raid the Sunbelt, Big East, or C-USA) but rather we are being hunted. We won't convince the University of Tenn to come to the ACC, but we do have a few "jewels" to offer up to someone else.

Poster with a question:
Is 2012 really doable? This is after July 1st which means the contract would likely regard this as 0 years notice (before July 1st being 1 year as it ended up being for Nebraska). What is the Big 12 penalty for that?

Poster with an answer:
Two things, the Big XII penalty could be averted by either A. The fact that A&M has not signed the contract for the new conference yet or B. The grievance letter citing where the conference has not lived up to their end of the contract that A&M sent yesterday.

I think that if A&M to SEC is a done deal, we might see an ACC expansion soon as an attempt at self-preservation. At least I think that would be the logical move.

Why did the talks with ND fail in 2003? I read somewhere that ND didn't want to play the full schedule?

ND is getting paid by NBC. As long as NBC continues to pay them the ungodly sum that they are ND has no reason to join a conference.
Yep. I think at this point if the ACC falls apart, UNC and Duke would rather form a North Carolina basketball conference.

Now that you mention it they might be OK being in the big east
I think Georgia Tech inevitably goes to the Big 10. Almost HAS to happen now.
I'm beginning to wonder how long before Vandy is dropped from the SEC. That's the only school that doesn't really belong there except as a whipping post. Maybe the SEC will drop Vandy to make room for Texas A&M thus ending the "expansion" talks (no, that is never going to happen, but everything is speculation at this point).
I'm beginning to wonder how long before Vandy is dropped from the SEC. That's the only school that doesn't really belong there except as a whipping post. Maybe the SEC will drop Vandy to make room for Texas A&M thus ending the "expansion" talks (no, that is never going to happen, but everything is speculation at this point).

The SEC needs Vandy to make it look academically respectable.