Texas A&M too SEC ?

All this article says is that the announcement won't be this week.......next week is a different story.
No way any decision has been made then. Otherwise it would leak out more.

This is all still A&M making its stand and threatening to leave.
The big questions if this is true.....

-Does the SEC stop at 14 or go to 16?
-Do the Pac 12/Big Integer try to match the SEC number?
-Does the Big 12 fold or try to become an 8 team mid-major?
-Does GT promote itself to the SEC/Big Integer or wait to be asked to the dance?


Standing by, waiting for something to happen, is insane.

Not as insane as Dodd's and Harrison's move, but insane regardless.
Let Texas be in a conference with Baylor, Texas Tech, Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa State and two others, assuming Okla State and OU and A&M go to SEC and Mizzou to Big 10, and eventually their recruiting will suffer and the TV ratings for their games will decline. If everyone else is in a super conference and their biggest challenges are Texas Tech and Kansas, they will become irrelevant. If The Big 12 loses two or more of its best programs the Longhorns would be better off joining ND, BYU, and Navy as independents. Their TV network could be for Longhorn sports.
If OK State, A&M, and OU leave for the SEC and Mizzou leaves for the Big 10..I think the BIG 12 could survive. TCU would probably get an invite and they would need to lure a couple of more teams. I think TCU would accept but I think it might be hard to get quality teams to join. TCU would be a great addition IMO.

I'll be surprised if Texas ever joins the SEC. They would lose $$$ under the current scenario in doing so. Cannot see any of the SEC members agreeing to such uneven terms ($$$) that Texas gets now from the Big 12 (10). Even in a depleted Big 12 (10), they would still have a shot at a Nat'l title and get an automatic BCS bid--they could scrape together a few other teams from the Mtn. West/wherever and they would have a seat at the table.

Texas has a multi-decade contract w/their own network, not too mention the additional cross-promotion that will be coming from ESPN.

In addition, Texas views itself as a cut above the academics in the SEC and is a member of the AAU. I could see a move down the road to the Big 10 or PAC-10/12, but not the SEC.

They SEC needs Texas in order to dramatically shift the TV dollars upward for everyone in the conference--Texas doesn't need the SEC.

Short term, I agree with you. But I'm saying that long term this is a bad move for Texas.
Short term, I agree with you. But I'm saying that long term this is a bad move for Texas.

Yes, this is a very interesting situation. Texas would be the first MAJOR player to leave a conference and go out on its own. It will be very interesting to see who they play and when.

Will OU keep playiing them? A & M? Maybe or maybe not. I think A&M will drop them and move on, although the SEC may make them play UT as part of their deal (so UT will go SEC one day).

The one great advantage that Texas has to try the independent thing, is that the SEC/PAC 10/Big # will all take them down the road anyway. So they can gamble and still find a home later if they need one.

Teams like ND can not do that long term (they are still holding on but barely), but Texas just might.
Texas would need (and would) to keep the A&M and OU rivalries. FSU had Miami, UF, and one other major name every year to keep their street cred. Texas would need that. But UT could survive as a football independent.

Their BB team and other sports would majorly suffer though.
Texas would need (and would) to keep the A&M and OU rivalries. FSU had Miami, UF, and one other major name every year to keep their street cred. Texas would need that. But UT could survive as a football independent.

Their BB team and other sports would majorly suffer though.

Good point on the conference really leaving them. But Texas is pushing the others away.

And yes, enough teams would play Texas every year and they'd steamroll to the NC often.
Texas would need (and would) to keep the A&M and OU rivalries. FSU had Miami, UF, and one other major name every year to keep their street cred. Texas would need that. But UT could survive as a football independent.

Their BB team and other sports would majorly suffer though.

Mid and Wracer are right. Here is why they would never be irrelevant.

#1. They would be in the BCS every year. That defines relevancy. They would waltz through the conference schedule and be conference champs every year.
#2. Texas has the big games with A&M and Oklahoma. Plus with the patsies on the conference schedule they can afford to schedule one more home & away series with major players.

That means 7 home games, 4 road games, one neutral every year.
I don't think Texas would go independent in order to save their other sports. Unless you guys are talking the ND route of football only independent, then this is all moot.

Let's say the SEC does persuade A&M, OU, OSU, and one other for a total of 16.

That leaves the Big 12 at 7 as:

Texas Tech
Iowa State
Kansas St.

Do you think it's out of the realm of possibilities that Texas knowing it can still schedule any combo of A&M and OU as non-conference will get Houston, SMU, and Rice as replacements? Rekindle with the old SWC crew of sorts.

It sounds like they (Texas) prefers a 10 team conference. An obvious drawback is I wonder if Texas prefers to have those programs relegated to lower tiers. I don't know.
Yeah I can see TAM & OU in the SEC and I can see GT in the new ACC with USF Pitt Wvu & Rutgers or Uconn
Yeah I can see TAM & OU in the SEC and I can see GT in the new ACC with USF Pitt Wvu & Rutgers or Uconn

Has the little girl given any indication that he wants to expand? I haven't seen it if he has. I'm under the impression that he's been silent throughout the entire expansion ordeal.
Just my wish! and the teams I like for reasons, WVU for reasonable teams in the past and big crowds, but hard to get to and cold, Rutgers/Uconn for the NY market, Pitt for tradition and becasue its another market and we can fly there. USF bc its in FLorida dn we can fly there and we can beat them.

Thanks for granting me membership on this board.

Quick Bio:
3GT: 3rd Generation Tech
Married to GT Wife.
Home in North Atlanta.

Thanks for granting me membership on this board.

Quick Bio:
3GT: 3rd Generation Tech
Married to GT Wife.
Home in North Atlanta.

Welcome aboard, sir. Be aware that StingTalk is a giant swimming pool full of guys (and about three girls) trying to drown each other. And you just dove in head first. Good luck.