Texas A&M too SEC ?


Thanks for granting me membership on this board.

Quick Bio:
3GT: 3rd Generation Tech
Married to GT Wife.
Home in North Atlanta.

Welcome, but dont think it wont be difficult!

Are you one of the CheapSkates, or proud ones?

I passed the Drown-proofing class.

Sounds like I'll need that training in here.
I don't think Texas would go independent in order to save their other sports. Unless you guys are talking the ND route of football only independent, then this is all moot.

Let's say the SEC does persuade A&M, OU, OSU, and one other for a total of 16.

That leaves the Big 12 at 7 as:

Texas Tech
Iowa State
Kansas St.

Do you think it's out of the realm of possibilities that Texas knowing it can still schedule any combo of A&M and OU as non-conference will get Houston, SMU, and Rice as replacements? Rekindle with the old SWC crew of sorts.

It sounds like they (Texas) prefers a 10 team conference. An obvious drawback is I wonder if Texas prefers to have those programs relegated to lower tiers. I don't know.

That seems like a perfect conference to me. Very solid in Basketball without too many conference games so you can fatten up the win column on Little Sisters. Complete mismatches in football so you can play in the BCS every year and go undefeated most of them.
CheapSkates ? ProudOnes ?

I'm guessing you haven't lurked much yet. There's a load of inside jokes on this board. To understand this one, look for threads on ticket prices.

Also, when it gets opened up to you, head down to the Off-Topic section and read the stickies - all of them - every page. Good luck, we'll talk to you in two months when you're done. You will be quizzed but you won't know it - until it's too late :turbonoes:

What a stupid article...

It leads with Rick Perry as though there is some exclusive information, but he simply repeats he knows the same as everyone else.

A&M wants out of Texas' shadow in some way. But Texas legislature wants them together, for whatever influence or pressure they can apply.

A&M is doing the right thing though. At a minimum, they improve their negotiation for a better deal wherever they land. We should be doing the same.
Also, when it gets opened up to you, head down to the Off-Topic section and read the stickies - all of them - every page. Good luck, we'll talk to you in two months when you're done. You will be quizzed but you won't know it - until it's too late :turbonoes:

I'm a noob poster, but I've been lurking for a long time. When will this off-topic dungeon be available?
The fire behind the smoke seems to be spreading

Bradley Link

Wes and Barnhart are coming to this conclusions on their show also. Wes hinted another school could be coming from a conference other than the Big12. I always thought A&M and Oklahoma would be added to expand west, and then there's room for 2 more to get to 16.

Some ACC schools will certainly be discussed for those openings.
I don't understand why the SEC wouldn't accept Ok. State with it's big $$ from Pickens in order to also get OU.
I don't understand why the SEC wouldn't accept Ok. State with it's big $$ from Pickens in order to also get OU.

I kinda figure that OK State and OU are like VPISU and UVA. Can't split them.
I think you need five posts to see the dungeon, so you guys cannot see it.
I'm a noob poster, but I've been lurking for a long time. When will this off-topic dungeon be available?

The first rule of the off-topic dungeon is there is no off-topic dungeon. It's a myth told to new posters.
As to the OP, the smoke is so thick it makes 1800s london look like an alpine valley from the sound of music.

This is either
(1) a smoke machine from A&M to force Texas to share the spoils from the TV Station
(2) a done deal
(3) a combo of the two. a real live fire where if Texas doesn't share the spoils A&M will simply waltz on over to the SEC.

I think it is #3.
Haven't read the rest of the thread but...

I get the horrible sinking feeling that the SEC will grab A&M and OU, then two non-GT ACC schools. As much as I don't like the idea of being in the Big 10 (for away games), being in a merger between the leftovers of the ACC and the Big East would put our football back in an era of crappiness that hasn't been seen since the 70's and 80's.
FSU and VT make the most sense. And I think the hoos would let the hokies go with no complaints. It really isn't all about football in Charlottesville.

If that disaster happens I assume we pick up two of Syracuse/Pitt/Rutgers/UConn and if there is a God in Heaven we split north/south with Miami being north.

If we have to make lemons out of lemonade I'd like to be in a tight geographical division like GT/Clem/"NC four". In football and basketball.
If that disaster happens I assume we pick up two of Syracuse/Pitt/Rutgers/UConn and if there is a God in Heaven we split north/south with Miami being north.

Why just two? Wouldn't the ACC try to get to 16 to keep pace?
It looks as though if the dominoes are going to fall they're going to fall like this:

Big 10 - SEC - Big 10

I'm wondering what the Big 10 is thinking. Are they saying to themselves 'we've positioned ourselves as best we can for what we want to do. we're done for now.'? Is their next action - even going as far as who they go after - dependent upon who the SEC is able to grab?

For example, if the SEC is only able to grab A&M and Louisville/VT/FSU (pick a random team not named OU or OSU), does the Big 10 say 'eh, not that big a deal but we'll counter with a Mizzou and Rutgers add'? Now, what if the SEC grabs the big 3 from the Big 12 (A&M, OU, and OSU)? Does that change things where the Big 10 now feels they have to score big with an add of Mizzou, MD, and GT?
It looks as though if the dominoes are going to fall they're going to fall like this:

Big 10 - SEC - Big 10

I'm wondering what the Big 10 is thinking. Are they saying to themselves 'we've positioned ourselves as best we can for what we want to do. we're done for now.'? Is their next action - even going as far as who they go after - dependent upon who the SEC is able to grab?

For example, if the SEC is only able to grab A&M and Louisville/VT/FSU (pick a random team not named OU or OSU), does the Big 10 say 'eh, not that big a deal but we'll counter with a Mizzou and Rutgers add'? Now, what if the SEC grabs the big 3 from the Big 12 (A&M, OU, and OSU)? Does that change things where the Big 10 now feels they have to score big with an add of Mizzou, MD, and GT?
I honestly think they don't want Missouri. ND will always get the first call, and if they decline again, the BigTen may add 2 to get to 14, holding the ND seat open for one final go around.
I think ND will say no for awhile. In a 2-team Big 10 add, who do you see getting the calls? Also, I guess a more direct question to my post above...

Do you think who is a part of the 2-team add is dependent upon the SEC at all?