Texas A&M too SEC ?

That's why if things really start shaking up expansion-wise, the ACC should target: Pitt, Cuse, UConn and either WVU/Rutgers (assuming the rest of the conference stays intact). This would solidify NE market and certainly strengthen hoops without weakening FB.
I believe that's a faulty assumption. when all is said and done, the ACC will have to add 6 teams (or more if we're lucky enough to move up) to reach 16.

It makes me ill to think we might be stuck in the same association of schools as WVU.
IF, and it is a huge IF, the conference thinks it can start its own network it will be on the backs of basketball and in that case 16 teams could make sense.

If we have to negotiate with existing TV networks the big money is in college football. Additional mediocre football teams adds peanuts to the total value and therefore reduce the average payout.

I think. ;P
Someone pointed out to me the other day that their logo...


...also stands for "Ass To Mouth".
A few thoughts fellas:

While I wouldnt want F$U to leave the ACC,
they just might if they knew they would be in the SEC East.

IIRC, F$U declined their first SEC invite b/c they didnt
want to have to play Auburn and Alabama every year.

VT & UVA are paired. State wont allow them split again.
Dont think either would accept an SEC invite.

IMHO, NCST is on the bubble.
I think theyre an ideal target for an SEC invite.
New state. New TV market.

NCST is sick & tired of being a red-headed
step-child to the UNC-Duke mafia.

A loss of either NCST or F$U would be VERY BAD for the ACC and GT.
I dont care who goes to the SEC they can all burn in hell for all I care. Im just ready for the dominoes to start falling so we can accept our Big 10 invite already.
Losing NCState would be the ultimate win for the ACC. It would be like Miss State leaving the SEC. They are entirely duplicate.
Losing NCState would be the ultimate win for the ACC. It would be like Miss State leaving the SEC. They are entirely duplicate.

I agree, assuming we could land someone else decent, like WVU. If we have to replace them with, say, Central Florida, I think that's a net loss for us. NCSU does have a national profile.
I believe that's a faulty assumption. when all is said and done, the ACC will have to add 6 teams (or more if we're lucky enough to move up) to reach 16.

Of course that's assuming the SEC would make an eastward expansion. It may be that they take 4 schools to their west. Who knows. All is just speculation at this point. It is entirely possible the ACC remains intact, but we'll see.
Of course that's assuming the SEC would make an eastward expansion. It may be that they take 4 schools to their west. Who knows. All is just speculation at this point. It is entirely possible the ACC remains intact, but we'll see.
OrangeBloods says the other three targets would be Ok, Ok St. and VPI/F$U. CFT mentions F$U and Clemson as potential targets to pair with A&M.

The politics that got VPI into the ACC was to not allow UVa to take an action that would hurt VPI. I don't believe the politicians would stand in the way and prevent VPI from improving their situation once again. It won't hurt UVa because they want to stay in the ACC. VPI did not want to stay in the Big Least. They would be damaging VPI if they forced VPI to turn down an SEC offer.

I also say the ACC loses Maryland when the BigTen makes its move.
My thoughts:

If the SEC comes calling for an ACC team, I'm really not sure which school will work out. Their top targets are probably F$U, VPI and Clemson.

Of these, the best potential for a new market would probably be VPI, since it'd give the SEC the state of Virginia. However, VPI and UVA are tied together thanks to the state legislature, so I don't see that happening.

F$U and Clemson both have rivals in the SEC that could potentially block their entrance. I believe someone already mentioned it here, but uga, UF, and USCe could very likely form a pact and agree to vote against any of their rivals.
F$U had the chance to go SEC at the beginning and they chose the ACC. That was when the ACC was a far lesser football conference than it is today. Today they really only have to beat NCSU, Wake, BC, Maryland, Clemson and Miami to play in the ACC CG. They would have to beat Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Vandy and UK to play in the SEC CG. I cannot see them jumping to the SEC unless it is clear the ACC is ready to collapse. Come to think of it, they may actually be the harbinger for the conference. If they leave we know there's bad, bad mojo.
Yep, this will be one of those things where "it's just not true" until the ink is dry all of a sudden.
I don't understand why WVU is not being brought up as much, they seem like the most obvious choice to me
For the last time, Clemson is not a school that brings anything to the SEC. Anyone who suggests they are somebody the SEC would target is delusional. The SEC doesn't need or want Clemson. They bring nothing to the table. There's no additional TV dollar that Clemson brings. FSU maybe.

GT is in a similar situation to Clemson only slightly better because as a whole we make a lot of sense to the Big Ten and if the SEC wants to block out the Big Ten from the Atlanta market, they would offer us.
I don't understand why WVU is not being brought up as much, they seem like the most obvious choice to me

Jesus. People its about TV markets only and the almighty revnue dollar additional TV markets offer. WVU doesn't have one worth a öööö.
For the last time, Clemson is not a school that brings anything to the SEC. Anyone who suggests they are somebody the SEC would target is delusional. The SEC doesn't need or want Clemson. They bring nothing to the table. There's no additional TV dollar that Clemson brings. FSU maybe.

GT is in a similar situation to Clemson only slightly better because as a whole we make a lot of sense to the Big Ten and if the SEC wants to block out the Big Ten from the Atlanta market, they would offer us.

There you have it. BOR is saying Clemson is SEC bound!


I think I've read you rant against this idea about 20 times now.