THWG?? Or no?

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There have to be consequences. I want a tearful apology video including a renouncment of UGA

A "Roll Tide" would be a great start. Don't see it happening considering they wouldn't even apologize.
GT athletics honored Vince Dooley at halftime of the UGAg game one year.
You're right about that. The SO (no pics) was accepted into Tech but chose to not go only because the admissions dept wasn't inviting and didn't seem to care that she was even there to look at the campus or really answer any questions that she had and had a general smugness about them.

I still hold quite a disdain for them since then because I talked so highly about Tech for so long and felt the SO would fit in perfectly there.

Piss on 'em.
My girlfriend's son wanted to goto GT for his master's, but by the time acceptance arrived, he had already been accepted into UGAg's program and had secured a $20K scholarship to pay the way. He was an honors graduate in statistics at UGAg and a member of the honors society. Straight A's. He was exploring GT ONLY at first, but could never get feedback or reach anyone ~ I told him to call...he tried. UGAg practically threw themselves at him and helped him line up funding. I just don't get GT, really. What gives?
GT athletics honored Vince Dooley at halftime of the UGAg game one year.

My girlfriend's son wanted to goto GT for his master's, but by the time acceptance arrived, he had already been accepted into UGAg's program and had secured a $20K scholarship to pay the way. He was an honors graduate in statistics at UGAg and a member of the honors society. Straight A's. He was exploring GT ONLY at first, but could never get feedback or reach anyone ~ I told him to call...he tried. UGAg practically threw themselves at him and helped him line up funding. I just don't get GT, really. What gives?
Maybe GT admissions wasn’t as impressed with a UGA degree as you seem to be
Get the öööö out Bud and Rick Clark!!! Both of you are pure dog shit!!!!!
Maybe GT admissions wasn’t as impressed with a UGA degree as you seem to be
He was accepted to GT, they just displayed the typical Tech arrogance you did. So now, instead of possibly having another fan, he basically sees GT and fans as snobs.
I just got home to find I am the target of teasing from Wolfpack fans on social media over the pro-UGA post by our Admissions Office. As if today is not difficult enough for Tech alums and fans, my own Admissions Office has made the day worse with their post. Thank you, AO, for showing how clueless you are about the nature of our rivalry. I want to personally congratulate the Admissions Office at Emory for having their school named the most competitive school for admissions in the State of Georgia.
He was accepted to GT, they just displayed the typical Tech arrogance you did. So now, instead of possibly having another fan, he basically sees GT and fans as snobs.

The isolationist arrogance of Tech alumni is a deterrent to sidewalk fan acquisitions. Sucking at football is probably more important tho.
He was accepted to GT, they just displayed the typical Tech arrogance you did. So now, instead of possibly having another fan, he basically sees GT and fans as snobs.
So they didn't offer him a scholarship. How is that arrogant? They probably had others lined up willing to pay full freight. Is he a Duke bball fan?
My wife called to order pizza for dinner tonight. The place told her, ok come pick it up in about 30 minutes. No she said, deliver. Guy on the phone said he was the only one working, all the drivers took tonight off. Damn, help.
24 involved in admissions. 4 are men. 20 are women. No wonder for the group hug nature of the post. Probably some snowflake needing a coloring book feel good moment instead they photoshopped and went to instagram. Classic.
Pretty easy to find which ones went to uga, Google their name and "LinkedIn" and you can usually see it in the results without clicking through.

I'd bet $100 I've got the right person
Holy shit. If I had embarrassed my company's shareholders in such a public format (see sbnation article), I would be terminated immediately. That likely won't happen here for reasons I won't go into. Nonetheless, the unauthorized use of a photograph of students/alumni attending some kind of GT/Falcons event to be photoshopped into some pro-UGA bullshit shows incredibly poor judgement on behalf of someone trusted to maintain a social media account for the Institute. Using the official Instagram account for the admission office to then propagate the image to the public shows tremendous irresponsibility again for trusted with the IG account. Understanding that the audience for this account is heavily pro-GT, this either shows a willingness to 'poke the bear' at the expense of alumni/students/prospective students or it shows how incredibly out of touch with GT this individual is that was chosen to maintain the IG account. Lastly, and perhaps the most concerning, is the statement captured in the comments section (reference the content sbnation article) that read something along the lines of 'your're welcome to unfollow'. That is the most courteous way I have ever heard someone tell another someone to eff off, but the message is clear and that message was directed at someone who is dedicated enough to follow the GT Admission IG account. Granted, I cannot see what was said initially to provoke this reaction but honestly there is nothing that could have been said that should have baited the owner of one of the Institute's social media accounts to engage with them in this forum. This is our image problem personified.

tl;dr öööö the person that did that
As a Tech alum and strong supporter of Georgia Tech, I cannot believe how completely ignorant most everyone is at the higher level on the hill. Too many things happen to hinder athletics at Tech. NCAA infractions, AD who appears to be doing zilch (what has Stanbury accomplished yet), game day experience? Nothing there. Keep the red out at BDS? Looks like a UGA home game. Game times...mostly all nooners. Instagram post supporting UGA? Firing the idiot who did this AND everyone wearing UgaG crap as well. Either Tech changes or I as one will keep my wallet shut from this day forward. I do NOT accept mediocrity.
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