It was fun while it lasted. I did have one more idea though. Can anyone who is a a regitered user on wikipedia change the main picture on the page to this?

I wonder if the AJC will have an obituary again. They really got carried away with the death of a dog last year (or was it earlier this year?).
Is the "replacement" mutt even old enough to go on duty in such short notice? I mean its such an important game and you dont want a runt out there on the field for the MOST IMPORTANT GAME OF THE YEAR.
i'm sorry if this has been posted but you can sign a guest book on ajc? WTF?!?!?! LMFAO
Taken from Rodzilla's FB:

FLASH AP-Athens GA: University of Georgia President Michael Adams ordered selected scholarship thug athletes inplace of class attendence to put down Football mascot UGA VII for serious under performance resulting in substandard record. Facing potential loses to University of Kentucky and rival Georgia Tech, Adams stated in a prepared release that his action should be taken as a warning to both the football coaching staff and players as to the possible "termination" of their status with the university.
Death to them all!!!!!!

Creamate the f***er and allow me to piss golden yellow upon his sorry ashes!

Yeah, this is outrageously funny.....instead of using them as mascots, they should put them in a ring and let them fight each other, and then kill the one's that don't perform well.....kind of like that fellow Vick did....
I'm really tempted to change my facebook picture to the one where UGA is laying on his back, but I'm holding out until after the game. It makes it so much better since it will have both literal and metaphorical meanings.
As bad as I loath UGAy... it is downright sad what they do to those dogs... inbred mutts
Well, I'll just be damned. That spell worked! Stay away from your weegee boards fellas! :laugher:
i heard buck belue saying how difficult they were to care for....he said you have to wipe the slobber off their mouths, feed them lemons for some reason and WIPE THEIR BUTTS?!!! WHAT?!

i love my dog but i am NOT wiping his ass!!!
Someone with a bit more computer knowledge than I should write a computer program that re-updates wikipedia every time it is changed to say that Uga committed suicide in the face of an impending blowout by GT.

I'm thinking view the page source every second, if content /= desired content then go to edit page and paste desired content.

Trouble is your account will quickly get banned for abusing the system.