Unofficial GT v Pitt game day thread

Honestly dont mind going for it and dont mind the play call, just a shitty result, think that ball made it to the 35 too
Honestly dont mind going for it and dont mind the play call, just a ööööty result, think that ball made it to the 35 too

I'd like to see if a camera shot exists of them re-spotting the ball. Was that just poorly worded by the announcer? I've never heard of something that crazy.
Honestly dont mind going for it and dont mind the play call, just a ööööty result, think that ball made it to the 35 too
There was zero reason not to bring in Jordan there. It was a bad call.
We blew a season with that horrible play on the TD pass, the idiotic decision to go for the first down at the 34 in a tie game, and the worst timeout ever, letting Pitt set up in the middle of the field instead of kicking from the hash. Stupid deserves to lose.
I'd like to see if a camera shot exists of them re-spotting the ball. Was that just poorly worded by the announcer? I've never heard of something that crazy.
Ive seen it before, ref runs out there with the spot, but changes it because in his mind the runner didnt get the first down.
27 by the offense. Most of it at the very end of the second and fourth quarters. You already killed your defense by then.

Shut the öööö up. You can't tell the difference between a run play and a pass play. I can't believe you're still posting after showing everyone what a dumbass you are.
I mean I love what CPJ has done for Tech while he's been here but it's becoming very obvious that he's not getting it done anymore.
Over the past 2 years, we've paid Paul Johnson over $5.5 million dollars, and have won 3 games against FBS opponents.

This is getting old.
We blew a season with that horrible play on the TD pass, the idiotic decision to go for the first down at the 34 in a tie game, and the worst timeout ever, letting Pitt set up in the middle of the field instead of kicking from the hash. Stupid deserves to lose.
Uh, the GT time out was AFTER they ran play to put it in the middle of the field. The time out was trying to stop clock in time for the to be forced to do a kickoff.