Virginia provides a direct contrast . . .

83jacket - Hey, you started it so I'm going to let you know what I think of a moron like you who is an embarrassment to Georgia Tech.

Number 1, I stated confided - that means confidentiality - so I an not breaching the promised confidentiality regarding the selection committee members. Even an idiot like you should understand that.

I beg to differ - I don't think Gailey will be here for another five years.

You probably thought Bill Lewis was just fine after his first year also, didn't you? He didn't lose too many games his first year. But just like Gailey he ran an undisciplined team. I know you know what "undisciplined" means since it is like your mind and your prose and your communication skills.

As to your assertion relating to our weak defense – I guess that's the reason everyone wants to hire our defensive coordinator - our defense was crummy.

Your prose is an embarrassment to Georgia Tech. It doesn't take much to make a C in English at Tech but I don't see how they let you graduate. Your sentences do not make any sense and misspellings are rampant.

Apparently, like a lower class UGA wannabe you don't have the vocabulary to express yourself without using proletariat lingo like "crap" and "pissing". And by the way, what is "thruth" and "deragotory"? And what magnificent prose you use when you write, "making veil references to them be more interested". Say what?

You are an embarrassment to Georgia Tech. Before you exhibit your communication skills in public again, why don't you learn how to spell and write a sentence that makes sense?

Again, you started it – so who's the moron? Learn how to spell and read and write, idiot.

On second thought, I apologize, someone who lacks the basic capability as you demonstrated in writing prose on an even elementary basis is undeserving of a response – since clearly you are incapable of logical reasoning.
83jacket, you wrote, "our DT are the worst DT in the ACC dispute that sucker". What kind of eubonics (sp?) is that?

Get a grip. You can't express yourself any better than that?

I do not think it reflects well on Georgia Tech when you post such gibberish.
83jacket, if you want to continue repeating your tired mantra of calling out anyone who isn't a complacent pollyanna, go right ahead, but see if anyone still pays attention to you after you beat it into the ground. Who are you to judge a fan simply because he wants the team to play better? Who are you to tell someone else he should jump ship because he doesn't want to be a sitting duck? I wouldn't tell you to find another team to root for just because your posts in this thread have been lame.

Not once in this thread have you addressed a single issue raised by anybody else. Tell me that Gailey has done a wonderful job communicating with the press, a la Dodd. Tell me that he was right to give Bilbo the shaft on playing time, even in garbage time against a lowly Duke team, when Suggs has been anything but stellar all season. Tell me that you don't have a problem with his predictable and conservative game plans. Why would you make it public that you're going to put in Bilbo, assuming he gets in the game at all, on the third offensive series for a "change of pace"? To give the opponents time to figure something out?

Would you like to know something about the UGAg game? Every freakin' player on the team got manhandled, not just the DTs. Tell me how you excuse lethargy. You can't coach size, but you sure as hell can coach a player's mentality. Seeing as how Gailey was so detached from his players during that game, I'm not going to give him a pass for that stinker of a performance. I don't think he deserves a pass on a lot of things, but that's why he has another chance next season. That doesn't mean if he keeps underachieving that he should stay here. The coach has to take responsibility with the team. If he doesn't take it, he's not being a leader. I haven't seen him be a leader this season, but then again, it's hard to judge that when you clam up and hide when the press comes a-knockin'. Chan's got a lot more people to answer to at GT than he did with the Cowboys and the Dolphins. Nobody knows what the heck is going on here.

Finally, get over yourself. This is not "your" Stingtalk, member number #453, and it's not your place to tell someone else to get off the board. You're not an admin here. This place is no more yours than it is for the other 600+ non-admin posters here. Just because someone else isn't a mindless lemming and wants better results doesn't make that person an idiot. What's truly full of crap is your pretty weak attempt at flamethrowing, since you have nothing of substance to add in response. Replying to a fifty line post of debated ideas with a feeble two line insult doesn't make you look smart and in this thread, it sure doesn't make you look witty either.
83Jacket - who's espousing negativity - you're saying our players can't win the ACC. Well, I don't know whether anyone has told you - but "can't" never accomplished anything.

You're negative - not me. I'm saying our guys can do it but need to be coached properly. How is it me who's being negative?

Oh I know, because I expressed dissatisfaction with our coaching - I hurt Coach Gailey's feelings. ---- Yeah, he needs to be babied - he makes a million dollars a year. Let's not hurt his feelings but let's dump all over the players who give their heart and soul just for the opportunity to have a Georgia Tech education for free and maybe a slim chance at the pros.

Yeah, man (in your vernacular) let's dump on the players and call anyone negative who states that the players are good enough to win it all.

I don't understand your convoluted logic but I guess that's not surprising since I don't understand you convoluted and misspelled prose.
83, I agree with you wrt DT's - with one noteable exception - Kryzson (he was SuperPreps A.A. out of NJ) - of course it is amazing how many we lost to permanent medical injuries (like Gunther, Matt Miller, Uremovich), and people forget about him because we lost him relatively early.

But you are right - I will always be a big fan of O'leary, but he took most of his academic risks at the DT position (Echols et al.), and the ones that were really successful here were the bulked up DE and LB types (Stimpson, Tarplin, etc).

It seems like we have been very young at the tackle spot forever, with Frosh and Soph beating out JR and Sr. Man, I would relly love for us to settle down here.

Another, typical response from you that resorts to personal attacks on me and name calling. I said you are full of crap for throwing out innuendo about Gailey based on a supposed conversation with an anonymous former coach and two anonymous "search committee" members. I never said Gailey did a great job. I don't think we have the players to win the ACC. To say Ralph could have won with them is pure speculation and we all know that Ralph will never be here.

Here are a few questions for you? If you are really so upset with Gailey, then what are you going to do about? Are you going to continue to post the same old "beeware worthy posts" for the next four years? Are you going to take some kind of action to try and effect a change? Are you going to give up on Tech football?

What should Tech do ? Should we fire Coach Gailey? Who should we hire? People on this board are long on bashing the Coach (some have been doing it since he was hired )but, offer very few if any realistic solutions. (Ted Roof and Jimmy Robinson are not legitimate alternatives) I personally have supported every coach that we have had at Tech. Does that mean that I agree with everything they do? Of coarse, it doesn't. I liked O'Leary a great deal and he as we all know had many faults. I am hopeful that Gailey will learn from this year and do somethings differently next year. For me the bottom line is that as long as he is the Coach of GT, I will support him. Additionally, if you are still wondering why Debo is not getting playing time, read the following post from Swilling on the Hive. This is consistent with what I have heard from people I know who are part of the broadcast crew.

Bilbo Readiness
as has been well documented with posts showing how our classes rate vs UGAg and others and in direct comparisons of size and speed of players, anyone who thinks we are 1) recruiting same talent level as UGAG/FSU and 2) that we are "loaded" is full of crap....

On the other hand, there is no way that we even got the potential out of our players this year that we should have or that a coach like Ralph would have gotten.

Its unfair to the student athletes to fill them full of bull that they are "big and bad" and can hang with anybody when that is not the case. You have to realize what you have and mold your strategy around the strengths that you have and try to compensate for/hide your weaknesses. You have to be able to honestly assess your talent level to do this and not create false expectations that result in despondency when the harsh light of day reveals flaws...

Thanks for sharing your heartfelt opinions of me. It takes a mighty brave man to bash someone on a message board. Perhaps, we can meet before a football game next year and you can tell me in person. Nonetheless, congratulations, I award you the "Stingtalk" literary prize for your superbly composed denunciation of my mastery of the English language. I am amazed by the conclusions you have made about me based on posts from a message board. Wow, you must be a genius to determine that I am undisciplined idiot / moron and an embarrasment to Georgia Tech from my use of the English language on a message board. Based on the pompous attitude you display in your posts, its a wonder we have any fans who did not attend Georgia Tech.
i agree with goldbuzz, chan gailey will never , never defeat mark richt as head coach at gt. he will never win over 7 games and many times will fall below the 7 wins. we are headed in the wrong direction.

I, for one, agree 100% with your first post...

Question for those folks who make the assumption that our W/L record is simply a matter of our players and seemingly unrelated to coaching.

Example #1: Our record pre and post Fridge...
Did we suddenly get all new players the year he showed up ? Or did coaching and player attitude change ? Which is it ?

Example #2: UMD...Pre and post Fridge...did UMD suddenly get all new 4 star players and get rid of those previous players, OR were they coached up? Which is it ?

Example #3: Pre and post B.L....I noticed a PROFOUND difference in the team, in MID-SEASON as soon as GOL took over. it was an immediate change.

Example #4: Look at NCSU in Amato's first year...See any difference in NCSU in his first year ? I suppose in his first year, NCSU went out and got all new players??

Best example....did we EVER get pasted under GOL
like we did vs UGA ? How about under B.L.?

OH, I forgot....we just don't have the players
83jacket - I didn't resort to name-calling and insults – I merely responded to yours. You are indeed an idiot. You apparently forgot that your two line response to my opinion - not concerning you - did indeed resort to, as you say, name-calling and insults - when you called me an idiot.

Well, I've been reading your posts for some time now and long ago concluded that you are a moron - your unprovoked insult of me just provided an opportunity for me to express what I've been thinking for quite a while.

And my low regard of your intelligence shouldn't come as a surprise to you since you are the one that posts such gibberish as, "Theyt want because nobody has said ...". Well, on the other hand I guess someone who is so stupid as to post such gibberish is probably too stupid to know it is stupid.

I would surmise that you are uneducated but your moniker, "83 jacket" infers that you graduated in 1983 from Georgia Tech. Is that really true? If it is, I'm going to let the English department know that they are not doing their job by showing them some of your posts.

As far as meeting before a football game, I will be happy to meet you not necessarily before a football game but any time to let you call me an idiot to my face. I can assure you that you will not enjoy the experience.

And if your invitation to meet before a football game is some type of veiled reference for a physical confrontation, you may want to be careful as for what you wish. It is clear from reading your posts that it is doubtful that you ever participated in any athletics at any level. I just came from a two hour workout and somehow I don't think your exercise habits compare with my daily exercise regimen. I would just say you better be careful about whom you call an idiot and then invite for a personal confrontation.

I guess your lack of an athletic background explains your negative perspective. You want to protect the coach because somehow you identify with him in your fantasies in an imagined role as some type of ESPN football analyst. Man , you know it all - you know which players you think are substandard and let everyone in on your insight.

But forgive, me, I thought college athletics was about the student/athletes and Georgia Tech. Did I miss something? I for one am not willing to let our student/athletes come to school here and have to endure substandard coaching. It seems simple, if the coaches aren't doing the job then why perpetuate any further disservice to the players?

Get rid of the bastards. The coaches tell the players to get the job done or wind up on the bench so what's wrong in telling the coaches to get the job done or wind up elsewhere. We don't need to protect them or their feelings. I've let Coach Gailey and Bill O'Brien know that they need to get their ass in gear and will continue to do so. We don't need to baby them - what we do need to do is protect the student/athletes and their experience here at Georgia Tech. If we made a mistake in a hire - let's admit it and move on before the damage is too great. Are you saying we should have kept Bill Lewis?

I don't understand your logic. If the coaches are under performing and underachieving, why keep them? Keeping them runs counter to our mission in collegiate athletics in providing the best possible experience for our student/athletes. You see, 83jacket, if you ever participated in sports you would understand that it is all about the student/athletes and their experience - not about the coaches. I think that best explains your negativity.

By the way, 83jacket, I noticed that your last three posts, after you were ridiculed about your misspelling and poor prose, exhibited better spelling and prose. I thank the person who is now helping you write your posts and commend you for getting someone to assist you. It is good that you now know to seek help. Geez, your helper even seems to know how to use commas. I'll accept your unexpressed thanks for motivating you to do so.

As far as Jimmy Robinson not being a legitimate candidate for head coach, I merely remind you that Kim King strongly recommended Robinson and was in the forefront to hire him. And I would stack up Kim King's credentials as a stellar former player and leader, an ultra successful real estate developer, as Bobby Dodd's chosen radio analyst, and as someone who has beaten cancer next to yours; and it would be like comparing the Empire State Building to a grain of sand.

You sure seem to think you know a great deal about me........let me clue you in. You are wrong on pretty much all of your assumptions. I want bother responding to any of your repeated charachter assasinations. Lets move on to your solution to the coaching problem or as you put it "lets fire the bastards". Hypothetically, GT does that and somehow attracts another decent coach, then what? Should we fire him next year if he does not meet the expectations of Goldbuzz or other alumni? As far as Jimmy Robinson, not withstanding Kim King's opinion of him, why is he still a position coach after approximately 25 years in the business?
That's your response? I was hoping you and your 40 inches waist were going to set a time and place to meet.
Actually the waist line is only 34, well maybe 35 after the holidays. As far as my athletic background, I played QB, WR, and DB in high school. Additionally, I was point guard on the basketball team and carry a single digit handicap in golf. Personally, I think it would be lunancy to fire a coach after once season short of some sort of gross impropriety such as sexual harrassment or major recruiting violations. To suggest that Georgia Tech do so clearly is not a result of logical thinking.
So you edited your above post (two above) to make it look like your response was more than two lines - pretty clever for you.

As it has been said many times, you cannot evaluate the Robinson candidacy as a keyboard pseudo ESPN football analyst.

Joel Eaves, at Georgia, didn't use your pseudo ESPN football analyst criteria when he hired an approximately 30 year-old defensive backfield coach at Auburn by the name of Vince Dooley. That hire worked out pretty well.

You have to know the guy.

Just ask Kim. And like I said, Kim knows a lot more about football than you do.

Sometimes you just have to trust someone with superior credentials. You wouldn't claim to know more about brain surgery than an established brain surgeon - so why claim that you know more than Kim King about what football coach to hire?

But do you want a Georgia Tech graduate who graduated with a 3.8 GPA or a physical education major from the University of Florida?
I am surprised that me being an idiot and a moron could ever do anything you would call clever. I don't claim to know more about football than Kim King. It is my opinion that if Jimmy Robinson was going to be a head coach in the NFL, he would have shown more career progression than he has. I fhe ever is the GT coach, I will support him fully.
Quite frankly I was surprised too.

83jacket - so at what high school did you play three positions in football?

And why did you have to think about that one? Why was that piece of trivia only disclosed after you edited your post? 83jacket - did you just want some more time to recollect?

And what is your exact golf handicap?