Welcome AD J Batt

This thread is sounding like the barber shop from Coming to America

Pretty boss when you have a normal first name like "Jason" and choose to go by "J". Some big dick energy in that name.
The best part is that he doesn’t go by the name of the letter: ”Jay”, but by the sound the letter makes: “Juh”
Don’t care about his first name but he’ll go by Blyat if he fucks something up
I'm going to say what everyone's thinking and call it a red flag that he goes by ööööing 'J'.

However, I do believe that it's just stupid enough to be a good sign
Alabama already got a loss without J.
So he knew the wheels were going to fall off the Bama bus and jumped to GT just before? Doubled edge sword. He's got good judgment, but damn he helped preside over the downfall of Bama. They hadn't lost to UT in something like a decade and a half.
Pretty Chad move by Cabrera to have such a well-regarded hire announced only three weeks after Stansbury was let go midseason. I mean geez... it takes a week just to run background checks and screen character references.

When he said this was personal to him, I wanted to believe him. Now I do believe him.
Have any of ADJB's contract details been released?
I hear he's getting $250k for every football win, $50k for every basketball win and $25k for every Beesball win with bonuses for winning conference titles, conference tournaments and NCAA post-season games.