Were any of you complainers even around for the B*** L**** years?

ncjacket--from what I get from this thread it's...Don't complain because you don't know what it used to be like.....well to that I say who the f cares?
this thread sucks....old people accepting mediocrity because they remember how bad it had been

Oh no dude,not accepting this year when balanced agaisnt the lewis years.Just saying both hurt but to meit hurt more during the Lewis years due to the fact that we had so many good athletes and got nothing out of them.If you want to suceed you must know history and try and make sure you dont step in the same pile again.jCant hlep my age but can try like hell to get folks riled up so we can get back to our winning ways.
ncjacket--from what I get from this thread it's...Don't complain because you don't know what it used to be like.....well to that I say who the f cares?
and to you I say, you have no idea what this thread is about.
and to you I say you're a little late to the party...

If i ever meet you, I will punch you in the face..can't wait.