The original question to this thread is stupid. But the above is about the only situation where CPJ would be terminated or asked to resign. If PJ won two games this year, he will still be around. If you don't believe that, you are out of touch with the realty of GT football. You may not like this offense or like the coach, but GT has married themselves to PJ for better or for worse and my guess is he will coach at GT as long as he wants to be here. My guess is Paul would rather retire in 4-5 years and once that happens, Georgia Tech is going to have to make a very difficult decision regarding the future of athletics with regards to how to we proceed in a post triple option environment. Will we keep the status quo of restricting recruiting and running offenses that help try to level the playing field, or will we return to our former ways of going after the types of kids we had in the late 80's until 2002? I would like to see us do something that allows us to recruit the level of athletes we used t be able to draw even if that means lowering our academic standards to do it. All of Bobby Cremins recruits, Bobby Ross' recruits, and George O'Leary recruits didn't devalue my GT degree or dilute it. I am a firm believer that you can have a top notch academic program and a top notch athletic program as they are not mutually exclusive. We've had it before but there are revisionists who won't ever admit that. PJ is the schools answer for meeting both without dropping our standards on recruits. Prior to PJ, if we wanted to meet both, we dropped our standards in recruiting. Once PJ is gone, I find it hard to believe that the program will want to continue the triple option offense as lets face it... no one is going to run it better than Paul Johnson.
Regardless, once PJ throws in the towel, the school is going to have to make a decision of what they want to be that is either going to allow us the hope of having a stellar program or will firmly place us in the "also ran" category.