World's Largest Outdoor Ass-Kicking - Official Thread

In other news ... Tulsa just ran a punt back 56 yds to get within two of ND 25-27 ... and their KO team just dropped ND on their own 14 yrd line.

i am so sick of this crap
october 30th, 2010
5:28 pm

there is no pride in this team! None!!!!! Wtf!!!!!!!
I have been a fan of the dawgs all my life, but………..
I am sick of this bs!!!!
Can the whole damn staff!!!!
There is no excuse for this sorry bunch of pathetic play, we are better than fla!!!
Coaching staff sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not care what all you dawg fans think about this post. I am no jacket or gator fan, i am just a dawg fan who has had enough……
now excuse me while i go get drunk. I cannot believe it is happening again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brando is worse. I swear to God he just says things that he wants to hear regardless of what is actually happening.

Brando is an utter jackass, agreed. But every time a team gains a first down, it's like Ludquist can't view it as anything but a gamechanger. Earlier, UGAg had a straightforward 13 yard run for a first down and Lundquist screamed "Oh boy! WHAT A RUN!"
Eh ... Auburn v. Ole Miss is on. Rebs up 7-0 with 2:00 mins into the first. Have no idea what happened. Guessing quick pass strike.
Oh ... and ND may lose to Tulsa. Tulsa leading 28-27, 2 mins to go in the fourth. ND has the ball on their own 40.