i see things havent changed that much

what came first, crackers or the use of the term cracker to describe stale, white guys? the converse is not true for your stated case

Are you sure the derogatory term for black people didn't come from the nuts first? Those are some tasty nuts.
Are you sure the derogatory term for black people didn't come from the nuts first? Those are some tasty nuts.

positive, since the term only would make sense if there were black people toes to compare them too

maybe you are dumb, but my guess is that your just being a twit
And a term that virtually no white people take offense to, given that we've pretty much never been the subjugated ones in this country's history.

This. In no way is Cracker equivalent to Ni*****. To try to equate them is pathetic.
all of the above sentiment as espoused by NatiJacket, et al. is contained within the one-liner of "payback is hell, crackers!" since it comically asserts the lack of payback in that there simply is no equivalent to the words used to negatively name blacks and other minorities

a simple joke, but the white 'victims' love to scream "reverse discrimination" in a situation where they still control virtually everything in american politics.


and yes, declinomoron, aerodumbass, et al. - im talking to you
It's like a black calling a black a öööööö. No problem. I have no problem with a white calling me a cracker.

What if I called you a dumb cracker or a poor, piece of öööö cracker? That's when the term is typically derogatory is when it has a modifier or is used in a demeaning way, especially by an authority figure or someone in a higher socio-economic status.
What if I called you a dumb cracker or a poor, piece of öööö cracker? That's when the term is typically derogatory is when it has a modifier or is used in a demeaning way, especially by an authority figure or someone in a higher socio-economic status.

dont start bringing reality into the argument, bro; we were well on our way to ridiculous hyperbole and fictitious outrage...and now you threaten all of that by being realistic? dafuq?
you guys are hilarious if you think there are words you can use to be racist against white people lmao. racism is an institutionalized thing, if you ever think someone is being racist towards you for being white it literally doesn't matter. it won't effect your standing in this world whatsoever. you'll always be a powerful white person. are your feelings hurt? sure, boohoo. it's always about you anyway, go ahead and be upset. but don't act like being racist towards a black person or any non white person is anything like being racist towards a white person. don't worry, you'll go home with your dignity and money intact.
you guys are hilarious if you think there are words you can use to be racist against white people lmao. racism is an institutionalized thing, if you ever think someone is being racist towards you for being white it literally doesn't matter. it won't effect your standing in this world whatsoever. you'll always be a powerful white person. are your feelings hurt? sure, boohoo. it's always about you anyway, go ahead and be upset. but don't act like being racist towards a black person or any non white person is anything like being racist towards a white person. don't worry, you'll go home with your dignity and money intact.

is there a bigger cry than regular big cry?
I find it hard to believe someone gave this thread only one star. :hsugh:

I never assign stars cause that öööö makes me uncomfortable. Like no other thread on the page will have stars and I don't like it when things stand out like that. If you dig.
you guys are hilarious if you think there are words you can use to be racist against white people lmao. racism is an institutionalized thing, if you ever think someone is being racist towards you for being white it literally doesn't matter. it won't effect your standing in this world whatsoever. you'll always be a powerful white person. are your feelings hurt? sure, boohoo. it's always about you anyway, go ahead and be upset. but don't act like being racist towards a black person or any non white person is anything like being racist towards a white person. don't worry, you'll go home with your dignity and money intact.

So, you're saying that ONLY white people are the ones who can be racist and non-whites are the only ones who are supposed to be offended? If so, you're a special kind of stupid.
Yeah, I'm saying that. White people are too privileged for any sort of racism to effect them in any meaningful way. If I call you a dumb ass cracker, at worst your feelings are hurt. If I call a black person the n word, I am instigating centuries of hate, oppression and discrimination that effects them actively to this day.
Yeah, I'm saying that. White people are too privileged for any sort of racism to effect them in any meaningful way. If I call you a dumb ass cracker, at worst your feelings are hurt. If I call a black person the n word, I am instigating centuries of hate, oppression and discrimination that effects them actively to this day.

That's a good explanation. Reminds me of the difference between racism and bigotry.
