Just for discussion, regarding "the hottest seat," is it he really? For that to be the case, we would have to facing a massive mismatch of demands and expectations vs the actual results. Among our fan base, compared to the rabid nature of some schools, how demanding of football excellence is there at our program? If it was truly high, would we have allowed the overall nature of our recruiting, facilities, attendance, and revenue to reach this paltry level? We have put up with mediocrity and irrelevance for about a generation now... If we were a program that was truly all about football excellence, demanding a coach that could compete and achieve with the best, is there a chance that we might have seen some vigorous signs of that by now? Is there a chance that many could be accepting our lot and think that all is OK if we pull out 5 wins, a total that many appear to think would be a good year, and would that imply we're a school that truly demands great athletic results compared to if we happened to win one or two less? What would it take for many to rationalize that ole Geoff is about as good as we can get and maybe somehow things will be better next year? I guess I'm not yet convinced that compared to some schools, such as Auburn, that the frying pan will be imminently searing......

Rationalizing vs demanding.... In which camp are we?