2023 Recruiting

Put "silent" on the list of words that don't mean what they used to, like "commitment".
I look at "silent" commits as ones still fishing for offers and hence the silence part, so the meaning hasn't really changed for me.
I look at "silent" commits as ones still fishing for offers and hence the silence part, so the meaning hasn't really changed for me.
I look at "silent" as "not hearing anything about it", like Francis X. Bushman in the movies.
Silent commit typically means a person that has already committed but has a date set for an announcement so they don't just go public as soon as they commit. They are "committed" but remain publicly silent about it until then. We didn't lose a silent commit because he was wavering or unsure, there's more to it than that.
commit#12 has now been rated in the composite,still waiting for #11...>247 is slow
select "load more" and scroll down to view GT
I don't see GT anywhere in the rankings.

commit#12 has now been rated in the composite,still waiting for #11...>247 is slow
select "load more" and scroll down to view GT
Some of you are seriously looking at a star ranking / commits overall BEFORE they have even played their senior year and are complaining? Yikes.
Some of you are seriously looking at a star ranking / commits overall BEFORE they have even played their senior year and are complaining? Yikes.
Thank you. Its like half our fans are walking around with their britches around their ankles in case they see another chance to take a dump on our program.
This sounds familiar.
@GoGATech has a point that our average star ranking has increased. But in my opinion the size of the line and the QB play will define this season. We are def seeing a drop off in recruiting since the 2020 class tho. And that’s for obvious reasons.
Ajlero, long seen as a heavy Tech lean, has committed elsewhere
To Duke