2024 Transfer Portal

And going forward, until the Portal has some guardrails, the Portal will likely encompass at least half the annual roster. HS recruiting will remain important, but as Mike Farrell said on “Full Ride” Thursday, the helicopter visits have decreased and will continue to decrease. Oddly enough, the Portal has actually given some time back to coaches. They don’t have to spend as much time visiting during bye weeks and or babysitting commits. The leverage HS kids had committing & de-committing at the last minute isn’t nearly as impactful. Next Wednesday is NSD #1, and no one is really paying attention anymore. It’s become all about the Portal.
Well what does it matter who signs with who now? Will they even be there in year 2, 3, 4? I pin no hope on the future anymore. Who knows who will still be on the team in 2 years?
Well what does it matter who signs with who now? Will they even be there in year 2, 3, 4? I pin no hope on the future anymore. Who knows who will still be on the team in 2 years?
That’s exactly it. At this point, it will likely be an average of 2 years at a school.
That’s exactly it. At this point, it will likely be an average of 2 years at a school.
Until enough stats on the portal are available to show some of these guys that they will not land higher than where they currently are.
Until enough stats on the portal are available to show some of these guys that they will not land higher than where they currently are.
Problem is the Portal is a 2-way street right now.

1. You have the proven players leaving one school because they think another has a better shot to win, NIL, etc.

2. Then you have the players leaving because of the traditional reasons. Academics, homesick, coaching changes, etc.

3. Then you have the other side of it where coaches are processing players to the Portal.

There are over 4,000 players in the Portal right now. There aren’t landing spots for a majority of them. Unfortunately there is not a commitment by the player or coaching staff it seems.

We all understand the business. Coaches have to win now or there gone sooner than later. Coaches are not given time to build programs organically anymor.

Next step in this whole ordeal will be levels of scholarships which will be binding contracts by both parties.

1. Guaranteed 2, 3, 4 year scholarship's, which includes school, medical, etc.
2. Performance based scholarship, etc.
Looks like Syracuse is loading up on the Portal. About to land former 5* starting tOSU QB Kyle McCord to go along with some other 4* transfers the last few days.

And I don't know what Brohm is doing at Louisville, but he continues to load up with a lot of good players from the Portal. He obviously is going to use the system to his advantage to elevate Louisville.
Looks like Syracuse is loading up on the Portal. About to land former 5* starting tOSU QB Kyle McCord to go along with some other 4* transfers the last few days.

And I don't know what Brohm is doing at Louisville, but he continues to load up with a lot of good players from the Portal. He obviously is going to use the system to his advantage to elevate Louisville.
Surprised anyone want to play at Syracuse.

Louisville is basically a commuter school who lucked up with a P5 invite to the ACC. If it weren't for basketball, they wouldn't have gotten an invite. Relaxed academics help and Louisville really isn't that bad of a town. Beats Athens.