2025 Recruiting

Without the schools, stadiums, coaches, scholarships, meals, medical care, tutoring, housing, fans, etc etc, the players have no platform to perform. Old school system=flawed. New school system=flawed beyond repair, imo. Kinda like old Coca-Cola in bottle vs New Coke in can. A lot of people haven't truly experienced both, so can't compare as well as those that do.
I respect the SC, but don't always agree with their rulings, anymore than I do with espn.
Listen, the vast majority of us agree with you from the big picture perspective. We all wish, myself and I’m sure USC as well, that college sports were actually sports for college students. But, it hasn’t been that way in about 70 years now when coaches convinced their administrators to let them bring in “ringers” whether it was a 27 year old EE grad student who could help a GT beat Auburn or an 18 year old who could read at a 3rd grade level who could help UGA beat Clemson.

The point is the horse is out of the barn. So the only question is what to do with college football that has very limited ties to the actual school. I totally agree that the players would lose all power without the schools, stadiums, scholarships, meals, etc. that you mentioned. And I would be fine if schools simply cut their programs and took the platform away, ie dropped football. But they won’t because of money because they know us, the fans, are suckers. I totally agree that I’m a sucker. I have entertainment dollars I’m willing to give away instead of keep. I could give those dollars to my favorite band, or Falcons, or Braves, or a cruise line, but I choose to give them to GT simply because I slept on that campus for 5 years and am a sucker for a place that doesn’t even know I’m alive.

The colleges could stop all of this tomorrow if they simply stopped giving away scholarships for athletics and had their teams composed of students who tried out. If they all did this the madness would stop. But so would the money. Since I love the sport, even though I know the sport cares nothing for me, I’m willing to spend my last few decades of life watching and spending my entertainment dollars at GT. I’m sure the day will come as I get older that I will stop because that’s the cycle of life. Eventually, I’ll get mad or frustrated enough to simply stop driving to/from Atlanta all the darn time even though I’m still a sucker for Fellini’s.

Look at up and coming schools like Kennesaw State. They are spending huge money to try and get to our level. They have tossed all academic standards to the side to entice non-college people to enroll at their school just so they can take part in the money machine that is college football. We all agree it’s craziness but it’s our craziness as fans.
Listen, the vast majority of us agree with you from the big picture perspective. We all wish, myself and I’m sure USC as well, that college sports were actually sports for college students. But, it hasn’t been that way in about 70 years now when coaches convinced their administrators to let them bring in “ringers” whether it was a 27 year old EE grad student who could help a GT beat Auburn or an 18 year old who could read at a 3rd grade level who could help UGA beat Clemson.

The point is the horse is out of the barn. So the only question is what to do with college football that has very limited ties to the actual school. I totally agree that the players would lose all power without the schools, stadiums, scholarships, meals, etc. that you mentioned. And I would be fine if schools simply cut their programs and took the platform away, ie dropped football. But they won’t because of money because they know us, the fans, are suckers. I totally agree that I’m a sucker. I have entertainment dollars I’m willing to give away instead of keep. I could give those dollars to my favorite band, or Falcons, or Braves, or a cruise line, but I choose to give them to GT simply because I slept on that campus for 5 years and am a sucker for a place that doesn’t even know I’m alive.

The colleges could stop all of this tomorrow if they simply stopped giving away scholarships for athletics and had their teams composed of students who tried out. If they all did this the madness would stop. But so would the money. Since I love the sport, even though I know the sport cares nothing for me, I’m willing to spend my last few decades of life watching and spending my entertainment dollars at GT. I’m sure the day will come as I get older that I will stop because that’s the cycle of life. Eventually, I’ll get mad or frustrated enough to simply stop driving to/from Atlanta all the darn time even though I’m still a sucker for Fellini’s.

Look at up and coming schools like Kennesaw State. They are spending huge money to try and get to our level. They have tossed all academic standards to the side to entice non-college people to enroll at their school just so they can take part in the money machine that is college football. We all agree it’s craziness but it’s our craziness as fans.
Good post Option, but 70,60, 50, and even 40 years ago CFB had little in common with cFB of today, or even just prior to the NIL/TP madness. It's all a matter of degree. Sure, it was flawed, but not hopelessly so like now.
I'm with you on: "the last few decades of life" except for me it's: "the LAST decade of life"....not whining---it's been a great ride! THWG
Any update on this guy?

Good post Option, but 70,60, 50, and even 40 years ago CFB had little in common with cFB of today, or even just prior to the NIL/TP madness. It's all a matter of degree. Sure, it was flawed, but not hopelessly so like now.
I'm with you on: "the last few decades of life" except for me it's: "the LAST decade of life"....not whining---it's been a great ride! THWG
None of us know how long we have in this mortal coil. One thing is certain, your money does you no good after you are gone. So I would suggest to spend it now on something you enjoy, be it Tech football, Falcons, Braves whatever.
Good post Option, but 70,60, 50, and even 40 years ago CFB had little in common with cFB of today, or even just prior to the NIL/TP madness. It's all a matter of degree. Sure, it was flawed, but not hopelessly so like now.
I'm with you on: "the last few decades of life" except for me it's: "the LAST decade of life"....not whining---it's been a great ride! THWG
As you said, it’s all a matter of degree. Players have been paid or “compensated” for at least 70 years. Whether it was thru grades to help them graduate, women, cars, better dorms, better food, then spending money, then Burger King bags of cash, to now direct deposits. It’s always been flawed. I just think a lot of fans, you are probably one, we’re simply blind to it all because how would you know pre-internet age? Now, we all saw when OSU offered Quinn a million and now we see on the internet that Petty was given 800K. We had no idea what players were given in the 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s unless some local sports writer had an axe to grind. Nothing has really changed because human nature has not changed. Bobby Dodd, Bear Bryant, Barry Switzer, Nick Saban, Kirby, and Brent all have egos and wanted to win so they did what they had to do.

I’m very close down here in South Georgia with several bag families for Auburn over the decades. The stories they tell about this are just hilarious about schools coming to po dunk towns like Cairo, Adel, Moultrie, etc to explain to some illiterate family that their bag is with more than Bama’s or UGA’s bag. Just funny stuff. Now, the bag system has been disbanded because it’s not needed.
Good post Option, but 70,60, 50, and even 40 years ago CFB had little in common with cFB of today, or even just prior to the NIL/TP madness. It's all a matter of degree. Sure, it was flawed, but not hopelessly so like now.
I'm with you on: "the last few decades of life" except for me it's: "the LAST decade of life"....not whining---it's been a great ride! THWG
As you said, it’s all a matter of degree. Players have been paid or “compensated” for at least 70 years. Whether it was thru grades to help them graduate, women, cars, better dorms, better food, then spending money, then Burger King bags of cash, to now direct deposits. It’s always been flawed. I just think a lot of fans, you are probably one, we’re simply blind to it all because how would you know pre-internet age? Now, we all saw when OSU offered Quinn a million and now we see on the internet that Petty was given 800K. We had no idea what players were given in the 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s unless some local sports writer had an axe to grind. Nothing has really changed because human nature has not changed. Bobby Dodd, Bear Bryant, Barry Switzer, Nick Saban, Kirby, and Brent all have egos and wanted to win so they did what they had to do.

I’m very close down here in South Georgia with several bag families for Auburn over the decades. The stories they tell about this are just hilarious about schools coming to po dunk towns like Cairo, Adel, Moultrie, etc to explain to some illiterate family that their bag is with more than Bama’s or UGA’s bag. Just funny stuff. Now, the bag system has been disbanded because it’s not needed.
As you said, it’s all a matter of degree. Players have been paid or “compensated” for at least 70 years. Whether it was thru grades to help them graduate, women, cars, better dorms, better food, then spending money, then Burger King bags of cash, to now direct deposits. It’s always been flawed. I just think a lot of fans, you are probably one, we’re simply blind to it all because how would you know pre-internet age? Now, we all saw when OSU offered Quinn a million and now we see on the internet that Petty was given 800K. We had no idea what players were given in the 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s unless some local sports writer had an axe to grind. Nothing has really changed because human nature has not changed. Bobby Dodd, Bear Bryant, Barry Switzer, Nick Saban, Kirby, and Brent all have egos and wanted to win so they did what they had to do.

I’m very close down here in South Georgia with several bag families for Auburn over the decades. The stories they tell about this are just hilarious about schools coming to po dunk towns like Cairo, Adel, Moultrie, etc to explain to some illiterate family that their bag is with more than Bama’s or UGA’s bag. Just funny stuff. Now, the bag system has been disbanded because it’s not needed.
Another good one Option. Bag system of past <<< NIL of present.....just like Prohibition vs when drinking became legal. I have to however, confess that such benefitted my life considerably....that's my story and I'm drinking to it!
Our program and every GT fan should feel like Andy right now after crawling through a long tunnel of öööö. We're not doing anything that every other major program hasn't already been doing above the table for the last 3 years. Last year's 7-5 record and now this level of recruiting is your proof of concept that GT finally gets it. It's time for fans to follow suit and go all in on support, meaning asses in seats and/or monthly donations to the NIL.

GT fans should be holding their heads high. Key is leading this program the right way. By all accounts, it sounds like he's honest and upfront on where kids stand and the work ethic required here to be successful both on the field and in the classroom. This is backed up by an all time high on team GPA. So yeah, the GT community is stepping up and paying big time for some big time players. But they're also getting a legit education and will leave the Institute with a helluva degree and the work ethic to be successful after football. This is the GT we all knew was possible.

Our program and every GT fan should feel like Andy right now after crawling through a long tunnel of öööö. We're not doing anything that every other major program hasn't already been doing above the table for the last 3 years. Last year's 7-5 record and now this level of recruiting is your proof of concept that GT finally gets it. It's time for fans to follow suit and go all in on support, meaning asses in seats and/or monthly donations to the NIL.

GT fans should be holding their heads high. Key is leading this program the right way. By all accounts, it sounds like he's honest and upfront on where kids stand and the work ethic required here to be successful both on the field and in the classroom. This is backed up by an all time high on team GPA. So yeah, the GT community is stepping up and paying big time for some big time players. But they're also getting a legit education and will leave the Institute with a helluva degree and the work ethic to be successful after football. This is the GT we all knew was possible.

I finally agree to the health benefits of not drinking too (too late Ethel), but hell if I'm donating to the Sobriety Foundation.

Absolutely didn’t think we had it like that. Pretty impressed

While GT may or may not truly be paying that much via NIL, GT is obviously paying up to 6 figures. But no one knows the actual values at this point. I’ll take Mike Farrell’s word for nature of the inflated NIL numbers. Look at the QB who just left ASU for example. Never got anything close to the rumored NIL numbers he agreed to by Miami and then UF.

Supposedly TAMU has not been paying the “agreed to” values of players who signed. Part of the reason (rumored) there were a boat load of transfers who have left TAMU during Jimbo’s final 2 years. That 2020 #1 recruiting class is all but gone.
Well, now that it's out there, others can top it. Solid negotiating tactics.