2025 Recruiting

Well, now that it's out there, others can top it. Solid negotiating tactics.

Money is only a motivator to a point for normal people. Once you have a certain amount other of Maslow's hierarchy of needs become more important.

Anyone that is just going to sign with the highest bidder probably doesn't belong at Tech.
Maybe DeDe got rich? Oh sh**!!!
Somebody needs to warn him about what happened to Dante when he got on that plane.
I love CPJ and his recruiting classes were underrated. BUTTT I don’t want to go back to being out of the modern recruiting game. I’d rather just fight hard til the end on guys that cut them for taking a visit after committing. My two cents
now we have 5 of the top 50 recruits in Georgia.
and a good chance to add another one
great to see "taking care of the backyard" becoming a reality instead of a slogan.

This will make us better, while negatively impacting UGA. They benefit the most when we aren't successfully recruiting in state.

aren't coaches and school not supposed to be involved with NIL? there has to be some level of coordination with the coach and collectives. otherwise how do the collectives know who to target? and how does a coach manage a roster when an incoming nil transfer gets a bigger payday than a higher impact player already on the team?
aren't coaches and school not supposed to be involved with NIL? there has to be some level of coordination with the coach and collectives. otherwise how do the collectives know who to target? and how does a coach manage a roster when an incoming nil transfer gets a bigger payday than a higher impact player already on the team?
You are right it has to be coordinated. Another reason to dump the NCAA so they can't pick and choose who to punish for something they all do.
aren't coaches and school not supposed to be involved with NIL? there has to be some level of coordination with the coach and collectives. otherwise how do the collectives know who to target? and how does a coach manage a roster when an incoming nil transfer gets a bigger payday than a higher impact player already on the team?
The coaches have to have a way to signal the collectives who to spend money on and which players are not the ones to spend the money on. Also I wonder how does a 17 year old kid negotiate? Obviously he would have some kind of agent or representative to tell the school what he needs and what any other school has offered.