Adidas outbid Nike for the Jackets contract

This appears to be pretty close to matching the helmet, and it doesn't look all that good IMO.

Hey, that's my congressman! Oh wait
The most important part of this deal is branding and consistency.

They absolutely should be talking about the shade of gold. Hell, they should be talking about the shade of blue too. How those colors should be incorporated together to ensure consistency.

Primary colors are white and gold, with very dark navy blue as an accent. When blue is used as a primary, white will be the other primary, with gold as the accent.

They should be talking about the logo. Why are there four or five different versions of our GT? Why is the logo on our helmet different than the every other logo you see everywhere else?

Why are there 6 or 7 different fonts for our school? Why do none of these fonts match what we use in our end zones?

Over the last three to four years I feel like the athletic department has made strides to begin to address these flaws. The marketing materials have used consistent fonts. There has been an emphasis on the use of white and gold, specifically with more white. They were very explicit about the de-emphasizing the use of Buzz in our branding, and emphasizing the classic elongated GT logo. Even our billboard game has finally come into its own with much cleaner logos and messaging.

I'm hoping this is the last piece of the puzzle to finally get the brand where it needs to be. A partner with the graphics and Design know how to get our apparel and equipment and all these other small things tightened up.

Nike would have been amazing for this. But the more I look at other Adidas schools and the classic designs they've come up with the more I think this is going to be perfect for Tech. I think we will know before 2018 because they'll start cranking fan apparel pretty quickly.
I was initially not happy about this because I have gotten to really like UA apparel in terms of quality and design. But I'm coming around. UA's CEO deciding to be a SJW snowflake helps me in this.
What is SJW again?

Edit: should've googled first. Social Justice Warrior. I assumed correctly it was something horrible that involved caring about humanity, saving the environment, or equality for all.
What is SJW again?

Edit: should've googled first. Social Justice Warrior. I assumed correctly it was something horrible that involved caring about humanity, saving the environment, or equality for all.

Social Justice Warrior:

Being a gigantic pussy who is constantly protesting about something that has little to no effect on their precious little lives.
The most important part of this deal is branding and consistency.

They absolutely should be talking about the shade of gold. Hell, they should be talking about the shade of blue too. How those colors should be incorporated together to ensure consistency.

Primary colors are white and gold, with very dark navy blue as an accent. When blue is used as a primary, white will be the other primary, with gold as the accent.

They should be talking about the logo. Why are there four or five different versions of our GT? Why is the logo on our helmet different than the every other logo you see everywhere else?

Why are there 6 or 7 different fonts for our school? Why do none of these fonts match what we use in our end zones?

Over the last three to four years I feel like the athletic department has made strides to begin to address these flaws. The marketing materials have used consistent fonts. There has been an emphasis on the use of white and gold, specifically with more white. They were very explicit about the de-emphasizing the use of Buzz in our branding, and emphasizing the classic elongated GT logo. Even our billboard game has finally come into its own with much cleaner logos and messaging.

I'm hoping this is the last piece of the puzzle to finally get the brand where it needs to be. A partner with the graphics and Design know how to get our apparel and equipment and all these other small things tightened up.

Nike would have been amazing for this. But the more I look at other Adidas schools and the classic designs they've come up with the more I think this is going to be perfect for Tech. I think we will know before 2018 because they'll start cranking fan apparel pretty quickly.

Only anal retentive people give a shit about this stuff.
What is SJW again?

Edit: should've googled first. Social Justice Warrior. I assumed correctly it was something horrible that involved caring about humanity, saving the environment, or equality for all.

Nothing as noble.

It is about making himself look good to kkk imitating antifa, Blame America First cnn, and those thinking it is ok to murder Police Officers.
Single shade of gold will NEVER happen for fan apparel because apparel production is geographically distributed and different places will source different dyes, and different materials will look different even with the same dye. (I don't know anything about the apparel biz, but I feel like those are safe assumptions.) We can only ever hope it happens for game unis. But even then it'll probably differ between sports for the same reasons. These giant corporations aren't going to add color calibration/matching to their processes in Vietnam, Cambodia, India, wherever just for us. The only hope is a reduction in variance
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You sound dumb. This is marketing 101 stuff. Every company I've ever worked for has had entire departments dedicated to upholding a single brand identity. Except GT of course.

What is Oregon's brand identity? Wings on their shoulder pads?
Single shade of gold will NEVER happen for fan apparel because apparel production is geographically distributed and different places will source different dyes, and different materials will look different even with the same dye. (I don't know anything about the apparel biz, but I feel like those are safe assumptions.) We can only ever hope it happens for game unis. But even then it'll probably differ between sports for the same reasons. These giant corporations aren't going to add color calibration/matching to their processes in Vietnam, Cambodia, India, wherever just for us. The only hope is a reduction in variance
I don't know, man... the Texas burnt orange, and the FSU garnet-and-gold, and the UNC baby blue and the Mich maize-and-gold and many others are remarkably consistent across manufacturers and clothing lines. Seriously, the Texas burnt orange is distinctly 'Texas'.
What is Oregon's brand identity? Wings on their shoulder pads?
Oregon's actually a good example of what brand identity can look like. Of course, Oregon's brand isn't for everyone. But (besides one really bad blue uniform?) they created a brand for themselves that is distinctly Oregon. Most schools, like ours, should stick to a traditional look that is cool but simple and most of all, distinctly them. We desperately need to be distinctly Georgia Tech and I think this is a step towards that.
Single shade of gold will NEVER happen for fan apparel because apparel production is geographically distributed and different places will source different dyes, and different materials will look different even with the same dye. (I don't know anything about the apparel biz, but I feel like those are safe assumptions.) We can only ever hope it happens for game unis. But even then it'll probably differ between sports for the same reasons. These giant corporations aren't going to add color calibration/matching to their processes in Vietnam, Cambodia, India, wherever just for us. The only hope is a reduction in variance

And this is why no other college, university, professional sports team, corporate branding campaign, etc is able to have a consistent color scheme, right?

Now do you understand why your post is dumb?
Nothing as noble.

It is about making himself look good to kkk imitating antifa, Blame America First cnn, and those thinking it is ok to murder Police Officers.
Okay I get it, a SJW is a person who joins a movement simply for self promotion. In that purest definition, I agree with you guys who condemn social warriors. For the record, though, CNN *and* Fox News both suck and dont report news anymore, just opinions about current events. You cant mention one's flaws without the other. Finally, there are people like me who believe 99.9% of cops are good guys but we need to do more to get the 0.1% out of there who are not (and show up on video). This desire does not mean I am a member of any movement nor do I support violence/protests against the police. Just stating this for the record.

Now back to football since I'm sure this conversation is both boring and off topic.
Single shade of gold will NEVER happen for fan apparel because apparel production is geographically distributed and different places will source different dyes, and different materials will look different even with the same dye. (I don't know anything about the apparel biz, but I feel like those are safe assumptions.) We can only ever hope it happens for game unis. But even then it'll probably differ between sports for the same reasons. These giant corporations aren't going to add color calibration/matching to their processes in Vietnam, Cambodia, India, wherever just for us. The only hope is a reduction in variance
All of this is wrong
Drop old gold please! All schools have adjusted their colors during fashion changes, etc. let it fly creatively and in my opinion bring back GOLD
Single shade of gold will NEVER happen for fan apparel because apparel production is geographically distributed and different places will source different dyes, and different materials will look different even with the same dye. (I don't know anything about the apparel biz, but I feel like those are safe assumptions.) We can only ever hope it happens for game unis. But even then it'll probably differ between sports for the same reasons. These giant corporations aren't going to add color calibration/matching to their processes in Vietnam, Cambodia, India, wherever just for us. The only hope is a reduction in variance

UT/Correctional facility orange is remarkably consistent across the whole country.