any way to chart CPJ's twitter velocity?

right, my average velocity would be V clockwise.

no, you speed would be V, and your direction would be constantly changing

if we used your definition, how do you account for the acceleration which i already proved that you undergo?

physics fail
We can't have sidewalk fans because we aren't a sidewalk.

and we rarely had any sidewalks around the school until recently. given the re-development of 5th Street Bridge, do you guys think our Sidewalk Fan Velocity is improving?
and we rarely had any sidewalks around the school until recently. given the re-development of 5th Street Bridge, do you guys think our Sidewalk Fan Velocity is improving?

We need a new thread for that question
relative velocity is something different entirely, it is the difference in my velocity vector and your velocity vector, and has both a scalar value and a directional component.

I meant "relative" in the literal sense. But I realize now that was a grave error since every word is to be interpreted scientifically on this thread.

My intent was to express that it makes sense to speak of "average velocity" only for an interval of time during which you have a changing velocity. The interval may comprise a discrete set of differing velocities, or a continuously varying velocity.
i used to teach school. i sometimes had to give swirlies in the name of education

not only was it a good way to calm down the over-hormoned males looking at pubescent boobies all day, but also it allowed me to get in a few more physics lessons

1. the Coriolis force is a 'fictitious' force introduced because we are observing from an accelerating frame of reference (these are not actual frames like on a window, but rather means more like point of view - not like the porn). it influences which direction the water swirls (all other things being constant)

2. gravity and weight

3. rates of evaporation (as the student dries)

many more too!

tbqh i stopped reading after 'boobies'
no, you speed would be V, and your direction would be constantly changing

if we used your definition, how do you account for the acceleration which i already proved that you undergo?

physics fail

-w^2 *z + w-dot *e ^(i pi/2) *z
If there was ever an appropriate time to ban a thread....this would be it. Talk about negative recruiting, Vanderbilt would just pull this thread up and show it to a recruit. :hsugh:
If there was ever an appropriate time to ban a thread....this would be it. Talk about negative recruiting, Vanderbilt would just pull this thread up and show it to a recruit. :hsugh:

if we are competing with Vanderbilt for a recruit, we have already lost and are on an accelerating spiral path toward an infinite singularity
if we are competing with Vanderbilt for a recruit, we have already lost and are on an accelerating spiral path toward an infinite singularity

I used their name because yes, they have beat us out on recruits, i.e. Nigel Bowden. And they have been mentioned as the ones who notoriously negatively recruit.
One dimensional twitter kinematics:

Position = total number of tweets as a function of time
Velocity (equivalent to frequency) = tweets per day
Acceleration = [change in tweets per day] per day

After a quick calculation CPJ's acceleration is about zero. Apocalypse averted.

Also people are dumb.
i think they meant "golden gate" drug
Well you used the words "family friend" in the context of you...and I think that's rather unlikely as well.

that was Cyp, not me.

go directly to FAIL, do not pass GO, do NOT collect $200