Apologies from Georgia Southern

Hook, line, and sinker. Nice job Oldfart. The thread is at 19 pages and growing.
It started raining here. Cancelled half my plans.. so stalk someone else..:turbonoes:

Too late Clarice...
OMG we're totes being srs in this thread too

Apparently they think so...:rotfl:

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Snellville, GA
Default Re: Wreck Tech
Yeah, I read a little of the thread on ST. That bunch of nerds trying to talk smack about athletics is actually kind of entertaining. The fact that they are ganging up on OldFart is pretty pathetic though. That, and they only have two smack ideas: "redneck" and "STD". Pretty unoriginal, but what do you expect from Tech?
So, this is what it's like to be obsessed over by another fanbase. Do not want. I now empathize with the annoyance Uga fans have with Tech fans now.
it seems that Southern fans all suffer from "head trama" like Valley12yrOld

btw, that doesnt mean what you think it means, dumbasses. you must have some fungus in your head

tra·ma noun \ˈtrāmə\ : the loosely woven hyphal tissue in basidiomycetous fungi forming the central substance of the lamellae or other projections of the hymenophore