Arik Gilbert in Transfer Portal

I hate them too, but he brought this S*** with him. They probably held onto him too long but Dwags gonna Dwag.

I mean, the way they select instead of recruit I don't understand why they hold on to some people.
Are you sure you know how we do things around here?
He'd made a good one of those guys who gives you the stink eye to rattle your cage and see if you flinch as you exit WalMart or else he will check your receipt, look you dead in the eye and hand you back your receipt nice and slow-like without breaking eye contact.
Will he get yet another chance?

Survey Says: It Is Likely.

After all, how many chances did Lawrence Philips get? You know how the song says about NYC that if you can make it there, you're gonna make it anywhere? For Athens, it should say that if you can't make it there, you can't make it anywhere.
Edwin Simmons says let him know when Erik is arrested naked at 440 AM on a Saturday in some old lady's back yard.
That's an oldie but goodie.

And it reminds me of Arik's old running mate, this douchebag . . .


. . . who was arrested after being drunk and knocking on the doors of random homes in Dallas earlier this year.

Speaking of that douchebag . . .

Stetson Bennett was the lowest-graded QB in the NFL this preseason
Supposedly he was arrested again today. This time in Georgia. Something is wrong with this kid. He needs help.
Supposedly he was arrested again today. This time in Georgia. Something is wrong with this kid. He needs help.
He needs to be put in jail forever. Dude's a career criminal. That's just how some people were raised.