BCS NC Thread

3 min 21 sec

The shear fact that Texas can possible win this game with so little time remaining is phenomenal
The shear fact that Texas can possible win this game with so little time remaining is phenomenal

Yep, the SEC should be ashamed. Their Champion is having a difficult time putting away a team that lost their starting QB who is also the POTY. It's a damn joke.

If Texas pulls this one out, that's about as humiliating of a loss you could have. This is a Freshman with practically no real experience rallying his team against the SEC champion ... I don't believe I'm seeing this.

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These announcers have alot of faith in Texas?

No, they are playing down the fact that Bama is struggling to beat an offensive powerhouse with a crippled offense. ESPN never ceases to amaze me. They should be worshiping Texas right now because what they are doing is unbelievable. How many teams could do this well without their starting QB in the game? I'm guessing just one.
O well, again, it's just shocking how often we have even felt Texas had a shot.
Unless the good Lord is a Texan, this game is over, gents.