Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, seems to be one of the primary reasons the BIG 10 might cancel. They have several players who tested positive for COVID-19 who now have this heart problem. It can cause blood clots, heart attacks or strokes. There's a suggested 3 to 6 months without exercise suggested for those with the condition.
Brings to mind the sudden collapse of Loyola Marymount's Hank Gathers back in 1990.
Why any school would run the risk especially with those who have had COVID-19 of letting someone on the field too early or unknowingly and they die because of a heart weakened by COVID-19?
Team deaths are hard enough from which to recover. It's worse DURING a season.
This is just a game. It's not worth some parent having to bury their 18, 19, 20, 21 year old kid IMO.