Calvin Johnson... mediocre pro.

There may be a possible copyright infringement there. I don't appreciate being linked to BOR any more than I am pretty certain he to me. To clarify, I have never, ever, never NOT wanted the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets to thrive.But I think most know that. Somehow voicing an opinion (credible or not) around here isn't acceptable. WTF is up with that?

"Voicing an opinion" is one thing. A track record of speaking up only when bad things happen is buzzoff-worthy.
So you are saying that Revis all 5-11" 195lbs should shut down a WR who is 6-5" 240lbs, with a 45 inch verticle and 4.3 speed? Revis will shut down most WRs, but a guy who is supposed to be the Megatron WR's should have a tough time too? Either Calvin is in your opinion all world or just a decent WR. If he's the former, shouldn't he have more success against Revis? Isn't that what this thread is about?

So you know for a fact he was in 1-on-1 coverage the entire day?
Just about all cornerbacks are shorter than the receivers they cover, and considerably so when it's a corner covering a #1 wide receiver. If Calvin could simply just go out and dominate every corner who was well shorter than him (which would be all of them) then he would be completely revolutionizing the game. Cornerbacks under 6' wouldn't exist because they would need to be close to Calvin's height in order to stop him from getting 20 catches a game.

Obviously that's not how it works though, or else you wouldn't see the height disparity between cornerbacks and receivers. All you have to do is watch the replay of Brent Grimes' INT of Drew Brees last year to see that height isn't everything.
BOR...they played a 3rd string QB most of last year and he still had solid numbers and was selected to the Pro Bowl. Not sure what else he could do.

Off to another great start this year...making highlight film catches.
BOR...they played a 3rd string QB most of last year and he still had solid numbers and was selected to the Pro Bowl. Not sure what else he could do.

Off to another great start this year...making highlight film catches.

You guys don't know anything. BOR is an expert on all things football. I've seen him report this several times.
Even though he's a mutt, this is pretty awesome:

6 TDs in 3 games says no.

16 receptions with 28 targets versus other elite receivers in the league with a QB who has the highest QB rating next to Aaron Rodgers says he's better than average, but certainly not on the level of other elite receivers who have much higher percentage of receptions versus the passes thrown to them from QB's whose ratings are far worse than Staffords. Calvin has better passes thrown to him and catches less. The numbers tend to show that.

Good news is he's able to make that up with a decent red zone performance.