Catchall Deion Sanders Thread

It's basically true though. I think that is why some people here don't like him. They don't like to see a cocky black man do things differently. If it was Art Briles doing the same things people on here would be all over it saying that we should have hired Art Briles, a white man with a öööö ton of baggage.

A lack of inability to understand why somebody may not want Prime is your problem - if you can only think of racial discrimination as the explanation that's because of your own biases.
I hadn't even thought about race until deion mentioned it.. I actually think it's the stupidest thing to come out of his mouth in awhile

He's coaching at one of the whitest schools in America

I've actually thought about this more and I think whether Deion actually believes it or not is irrelevant - he's using this as a recruiting tactic and/or a negative recruiting tactic against the likes of saban / brian kelly / kirby / etc ...

I imagine Deion could walk into a recruits living room and play this same race card and it would work very well
The irony of this post coming from your avatar (who you think is wonderful) recruiting him.
There isn't much about all this that I find interesting enough to give much thought to but that is a very interesting observation.
Deion is and always be a low class individual with low class ethics. He may be a successful football coach and he was undoubtedly a very successful player. Doesn't make him a good person.
You know him personally? If not, STFU.
Some will hate the man simply because he went there and may become very successful and will always be looking to see what CU is doing with him in a comparison with how Coach K is doing for us. Always hate the guy we did not get/go after! Seems to be the opinion of some.

Like him or hate him...but he most certainly has Colorado getting a lot of good press. Several times today I mentioned about how I was shocked at the Clempsum vs Dookie result and every single person immediately followed that up with Colorado result. Nobody has talked about the Baylor, Texas Tech, Boston College disasters like they would have in years past. But it seems everyone is following the drama at Colorado. :) Question is will Sims treat them as Carolina blue and put them back down a peg...or find some new way to throw an int for the loss? LOL
I wonder who does Deion hate more:
Ed Werder or Tim McCarver?
I once asked a former NFL DC who was the best DB he ever coached. His immediate answer was Deion. I had also asked him who was the fastest player he ever coached. His immediate answer was Deion.

Like it or not Neon Deion was a great football player. He knew this, too, and he was a 1st class narcissist - always all about himself. This is why some folks back away from him while others don’t care. He knows how to attract attention and media loves guys like that, but they’ll turn on him just as fast if he belly flops.

The jury is still out on his coaching ability. Why don’t we let it play out a bit and see?
I once asked a former NFL DC who was the best DB he ever coached. His immediate answer was Deion. I had also asked him who was the fastest player he ever coached. His immediate answer was Deion.

Like it or not Neon Deion was a great football player. He knew this, too, and he was a 1st class narcissist - always all about himself. This is why some folks back away from him while others don’t care. He knows how to attract attention and media loves guys like that, but they’ll turn on him just as fast if he belly flops.

The jury is still out on his coaching ability. Why don’t we let it play out a bit and see?
This is it. Some people don’t mind narcissism (or celebrate it, even) and some people can’t stand it. This is one thing I’ve learned about my fellow Americans the last ~8 years.
The biggest question is: Does UNC Jeff Sims show up this week? This will probably be the biggest stage he will ever have. If you're going to bring it, now would be the time
This is it. Some people don’t mind narcissism (or celebrate it, even) and some people can’t stand it. This is one thing I’ve learned about my fellow Americans the last ~8 years.
I think it's really that simple. Some don't like his brand of "self," while others do. His coaching ability is a totally separate thing and remains to be seen.