Catchall Deion Sanders Thread

Deion is two plays from being 1-2. Would people be talking about him then?

Y'all are saying we should've hired him but doesn't look like it was a sure thing he'd have this much success. Boom or bust, like many said.
We're at least 20 plays from being 1-2.
I don't what year some of you were born, but the swirl of hype, whether created by him or the media, has surrounded Deion since he was in high school. The dude has the midas touch and has created gold his whole life (sometimes in unlikely places). This is nothing new and there is no rush to do it. The only new thing is people being surprised by it.

On the football side, Deion is doing a masterful job hiding and working around his team's weaknesses. He is one portal/recruiting season away from 10 wins. Colorado State was the most Miami looking team I have seen since Miami of the 90s..
There's a lot of fans here that are happier with 6 wins than having a Miami team of the 90s though.
3-0 >>>>> 1-2

The Buffs were down 10 in the 4th qtr, drove 98 yds to tie & won in OT.
We were down 7 early in the 4th & proceeded to give up 24 points.
The Buffs were playing Colorado State at home and squeaked by in 2 OT. We were playing Ole Miss away and had it a 1-score game in the mid 4th. Context matters. What you or I think doesn't. Time will tell.
Colorado is 3-0 and has beaten 1 team with a chance at winning record in TCU. Good for them. 3-0 with the following Top 25 teams remaining:

Oregon State
@ Washington State
@ Utah

That means Colorado will have to beat ASU, Stanford and Arizona in order to make a bowl game. No room for error. Can they do it? Probably. Arizona is the only half way decent team of those 3 winnable games left. The other 6 games they may compete with UCLA, Washington State, but Oregon, USC, Utah are going to beat them badly.

Good for Deion. He’s proven he can win using the Portal in a major way. But they have very little depth and losing Travis Hunter for at least the next 2 games (@ Oregon, USC) won’t end well for Colorado.
A 98 yd drive & 2 pt conversion were completely independent of any home crowd effects.
BUFF D didn't give up when down 10 pts. Ours very clearly did
The Rams D was as bad of a scheme as I had ever seen. Colorado State played to not lose. They likely win if they play a normal defense instead of whatever that was on that final drive. No idea why they did the "let them catch it and tackle them" strategy
Colorado State was Miami. not Colorado.. 10 personal fouls in one game..
A few BS. The block below the waist by the RB in the 4th seemed a BS call. Did they change it to where a RB can't cut a DT running straight at him? The RB was never outside the tackle box at any point and it was a straight on cut.
Neither do we but we were only 7 pts behind before our D quit in the 4th qtr. Ole Miss ain't as great as you think either.
Only a team that experts have competing for the SEC title, but if you feel Colorado State is on that level, good for you.
Colorado would've beat Ole Piss & probably not have choked the halftime lead we had vs Louisville
You may be right but you’re more likely wrong. This is the equivalent hypothetical as me saying “Colorado would have lost to Ole Miss and probably would have blown a lead against Louisville too”