Catchall Deion Sanders Thread

Most of our players are Business Admin majors. That apparently replaced Industrial Management as the prevalent major for players. It has a calculus course, either Integral Calculus or Survey of Calculus, are a core requirement. A few are History Science & Technology majors, and that also requires a calculus course. Survey of Calculus is likely the one they take. There's now a BS in Psychology and it lists Integral Calculus as a core requirement, no Survey of Calculus option. Even the Literature Media & Communication degree has a calculus course as a core requirement. More liberal artsy majors than in my day, but still gotta take a calculus class for any bachelor's degree from GT far as I can tell. Here's the full list of bachelor's degree programs.

Key majored in Industrial Management. I remember him talking to Andy Demetra about taking calculus when he was a player. Think it was shortly around time he was named IHC.

I get it bro math required. I never said it wasn't. If only there was some way to get a person through 1 math guys are focused on 1 leaf in the forest.

Key says he didn't take calc because he doesn't remember doing any math because it wasn't a big deal, they got him through. If they got him through they can get other players through was his point.
Naw you are ignoring the fact that athletes are graded differently than your average student even at the Institute. If you are going to argue that all our players are as smart as non-athlete students then you really don't know how this stuff works.

It's just like when you say Deion had zero interest in coming to Atlanta. That is absolutely asinine that he would pick Boulder because of "traffic" lol.

First of all you obviously haven't been to Colorado lately and second of all Deion not wanting to deal with admissions issues doesn't mean he didn't want to come here, it just means he picked the path with the lower barrier to entry which is on us, not him.

I never said the path was easy to change our admission process and I understand that a heavily ugag biased BOR exists. The fact though is that WE DIDN'T TRY and therefore we lost the opportunity. So that is where your argument holds no water. At least we could then be in battle with the BOR because they denied us the ability to change standards. It's probably a change we should still be actively pursuing, at least until the NCAA makes a move.

His exposure with his kids, and whatever program he could build would have been immensely higher profile in Atlanta. Shadeur would be flying around in a G5 instead of driving a rolls Royce.

This excuse making is something that seems to be getting bred into our fanbase. I don't settle for that pussy-foot copout and neither should the rest of the fans.
You don’t read anything that has been presented time after time after time. For the final time.

1. Deion had ZERO interest in GT. Go pay $10 for a subscription and educate yourself.
2. Whatever the Colorado BOR did has nothing to do with Deion and his zero interest in GT.
3. GT had ZERO interest in Deion. Deal with it already.
4. You think the car Shadeur is driving has anything to do with him being at Colorado? Pay attention a little. Also, if you truly think there isn’t a lot of $$$ in Colorado, you’re clueless.
5. What excuses are being made by ANYONE? If Deion was such a ”hot” commodity, why did all of the following not take a chance on him last year:
Arizona State
6. I‘ve already posted the GA BOR narrative. You just fail to read and comprehend anything.

I’ll be waiting for your ”excuses” when #11 Oregon covers the now 21.5 point spread against the so called #19 team. Don’t think I’ve seen Vegas laugh so hard as they are right now.
Why do they say the most streamed instead of most watched? Anytime I notice these subtle word shifts I immediately conclude somebody's cooking the books.

Colorado has become the new Notre Dame. Everybody loves to love them or loves to hate them but either way, you tune in - to hope they win or hope they lose.
This is way blown out of proportion. Y'all realize kids like Javaris Crittendon, Stephon Marbury and Kenny Anderson got into GT, right?
Still have to transfer enough credits for portal players to be NCAA eligible. CU evidently couldn't make it work without creating an education studies major. Going to be a limiting factor for us with the portal.
You don’t read anything that has been presented time after time after time. For the final time.

1. Deion had ZERO interest in GT. Go pay $10 for a subscription and educate yourself.
You do know how it works, right? You don't need to pay any money to understand how it works if you already know how it works. It works the same way with any type of major talent recruitment in every type of operation everywhere. This isn't applying for an entry level job at Mcdonald's.

We have reps, he has an agent. There's no direct contact until after the initial dancing. Both sides can say they never reached out or inquired because someone else was handling it. Not a lie, factual. Deion was interested in every open P5 job, including ours. He likely was more interested in GT than Colorado because of Atlanta and the exposure he could get, then he got confirmation he would be dealing with mostly the same old GT that hamstrung all his predecessors, maybe to a lesser degree than in the past but not on equal footing as anyone really trying to compete like the top 25-35 programs in the nation. It's a huge turnoff to many top canddates they way we operate.

Damn, sometimes I think some of our fans live in a cave and have no professional careers beyond the entry level positions they got straight out of GT.
Most of our players are Business Admin majors. That apparently replaced Industrial Management as the prevalent major for players. It has a calculus course, either Integral Calculus or Survey of Calculus, are a core requirement. A few are History Science & Technology majors, and that also requires a calculus course. Survey of Calculus is likely the one they take. There's now a BS in Psychology and it lists Integral Calculus as a core requirement, no Survey of Calculus option. Even the Literature Media & Communication degree has a calculus course as a core requirement. More liberal artsy majors than in my day, but still gotta take a calculus class for any bachelor's degree from GT far as I can tell. Here's the full list of bachelor's degree programs.

Key majored in Industrial Management. I remember him talking to Andy Demetra about taking calculus when he was a player. Think it was shortly around time he was named IHC.

Most of the players take Calc at GPC. It's a cake walk.
Far from it. Legislators on the BOR had to approve Deion's contract and had to approve the new degree program. DiStefano wasn't about to move forward on either of those without knowing if he had their support. Claiming the "legislature had nothing to do with it" is flat out ignorance. The full legislature (general assembly) controls the budget and can fire the chancellor. The BOR dismissed CU's chancellor after a rape scandal involving CU players when Gary Barnett was coach (Barnett was also fired). The restrictive rules on transfer credits came about after legislators booted the chancellor. Something DiStefano surely knew.
I guess semantics and BS. While the BOR is elected, they are not the state legislature of Colorado. What the öööö does it matter though. There is no way Tech's administration would have pushed our BOR to make the same allowances.
I guess semantics and BS. While the BOR is elected, they are not the state legislature of Colorado. What the öööö does it matter though. There is no way Tech's administration would have pushed our BOR to make the same allowances.
It doesn’t matter! As @Liberty just explained, we didn’t give a business case! Because we are ran by a bunch of ex-jocks that are funded by (mostly) engineers that don’t understand economics or frankly don’t give a shyit, because engineer!
I’m about to lose a $80M project because a dumbass EE is afraid of diversifying power. Apples meet apples.
Damn, sometimes I think some of our fans live in a cave and have no professional careers beyond the entry level positions they got straight out of GT.

I kinda want to pull this thread. Do you think someone’s corporate position or career track is an accurate representation of their life experience or intelligence? What exactly is the statement here? Do low level employees simply not have the intelligence and/or skills required to advance? Ergo GT grads who are in entry level positions are somehow disillusioned or unable to understand how things work?

I say this as someone not in an entry level position but who hates this type of assumption and attitude in America where talent and competence has generally given way to eloquence, social tact, and extroverted natures for rising corporate structures.

I mean really. What a terrible thing to say. Especially if you are someone who is in charge of said individuals living in caves just doing their mundane and narrow entry level job.
You don’t read anything that has been presented time after time after time. For the final time.

1. Deion had ZERO interest in GT. Go pay $10 for a subscription and educate yourself.
2. Whatever the Colorado BOR did has nothing to do with Deion and his zero interest in GT.
3. GT had ZERO interest in Deion. Deal with it already.
4. You think the car Shadeur is driving has anything to do with him being at Colorado? Pay attention a little. Also, if you truly think there isn’t a lot of $$$ in Colorado, you’re clueless.
5. What excuses are being made by ANYONE? If Deion was such a ”hot” commodity, why did all of the following not take a chance on him last year:
Arizona State
6. I‘ve already posted the GA BOR narrative. You just fail to read and comprehend anything.

I’ll be waiting for your ”excuses” when #11 Oregon covers the now 21.5 point spread against the so called #19 team. Don’t think I’ve seen Vegas laugh so hard as they are right now.

Same argument 3x with no evidence other than some magical paywall is hiding information. I guess news never makes it past these impenetrable paywalls because the subscription stops it. I'm sure all the info is 100% reliable too. Couldn't be "journalist" trying to make money...

By the way, did you forget about Deion trying to contact Tech by phone then ended up having to twit about no success? Wonder what that was about? Coincided with the firing of a certain football coach in Atlanta. Maybe you can reach up in your paywall and get the answer. Couldn't possibly have been about a coaching job.

I think more what this is about is you didn't want the guy, and that's fine. But despite your opinion we still screwed up.
Most of the players take Calc at GPC. It's a cake walk.
Damn near everyone knows this except folks who can't connect the dots as to why there's far fewer athletes in our Calculus classes than are on the teams. These kids do graduate after all. They meet the requirement somewhere. Duh.
Big plus side is that Deion is drowning out talk of a Georgia 3-pete. THWG
For now. Unfortunately, from what I am seeing, a 3 peat is probably 80%. If that QB gets better, probably 90%. He's their weak link and he's still pretty good. If that stud TE that have gets hurt, that would be the difference maker. He is a bulldozer blocking and has good speed for a TE. Plus, UGA is one of the few schools that seems to know how to use a TE.

I did notice also that their WR's will block their asses off on running plays and are fundamentally sound. We have an awful problem with missed blocks on swing passes and screens. If we clean that stuff up, King may have a few 400-450 yard games.

And öööö Colorado. I was a GT fan in 1990. We got screwed by the AP. We got screwed by favorable calls all season long in favor of them. Yea, yeah....your QB does and was dating the HC's daughter. You were still the second best team in CFB, at best, in 1990.