Catchall Deion Sanders Thread

sanders is in this for himself. if he's going to talk about the players, he's got no one to blame but himself. he ran off 90% of the team from last year and hand-picked the transfers (i'm sure he didn't tamper :nono:). once his punkass kid is out of eligibility, he probably walks feigning his bad knee or hip that prevents him from giving 110% to coaching.
I saw him say the players didn’t want it enough blah blah blah. Nothing with real substance. The team had 17 penalties for 127 yards. That’s discipline and coaching. He just comes off as a prosperity preacher.
Doesn't Reverend Deon or son have a Rolls or is it just sunglasses?
sanders is in this for himself. if he's going to talk about the players, he's got no one to blame but himself. he ran off 90% of the team from last year and hand-picked the transfers (i'm sure he didn't tamper :nono:). once his punkass kid is out of eligibility, he probably walks feigning his bad knee or hip that prevents him from giving 110% to coaching.

Punkass kid? What makes you say that? Seems like a pretty good athlete to me.
Punkass kid? What makes you say that? Seems like a pretty good athlete to me.
He’s definitely a pretty good athlete. I wonder if playing for his dad’s team is hindering him though. Seems to me that he’s missing the opportunity to grow into what NFL wants for QB.
The entire show is a “low bar” for about 25+ years. The hell are you talking about?

SNL sucks and has sucked far too long for the show to matter any more. Hasn't mattered for decades now; like most mainstream, propagandistic, traditional program television, it is putrid garbage.

The Deion bit is mildly humorous. For those who have seen through Deion's narcissistic schtick from the beginning, the SNL "skit" is not revealing, particularly witty or funny. What would be funny is lampooning all the Deion jock sniffers. Both the fans and the media. But they won't touch that.

SNL sucks and has sucked far too long for the show to matter any more. Hasn't mattered for decades now; like most mainstream, propagandistic, traditional program television, it is putrid garbage.

The Deion bit is mildly humorous. For those who have seen through Deion's narcissistic schtick from the beginning, the SNL "skit" is not revealing, particularly witty or funny. What would be funny is lampooning all the Deion jock sniffers. Both the fans and the media. But they won't touch that.
Wow…..Lighten up a little. You sound very jaded and upset over absolutely nothing.
Wow…..Lighten up a little. You sound very jaded and upset over absolutely nothing.
You are correct, I am quite jaded with mainstream TV. I am quite jaded to what it has done to sports, college football specifically and our broader culture in general. Deion is a symptom of that. The long ago decline of SNL is a symptom of that. I could go on about ESPN, Disney, etc., etc. but I won't.

I vent occasionally. I don't expect everyone to like it or agree with me.

SNL sucks and has sucked far too long for the show to matter any more. Hasn't mattered for decades now; like most mainstream, propagandistic, traditional program television, it is putrid garbage.

The Deion bit is mildly humorous. For those who have seen through Deion's narcissistic schtick from the beginning, the SNL "skit" is not revealing, particularly witty or funny. What would be funny is lampooning all the Deion jock sniffers. Both the fans and the media. But they won't touch that.

Ok Boomer
You are correct, I am quite jaded with mainstream TV. I am quite jaded to what it has done to sports, college football specifically and our broader culture in general. Deion is a symptom of that. The long ago decline of SNL is a symptom of that. I could go on about ESPN, Disney, etc., etc. but I won't.

I vent occasionally. I don't expect everyone to like it or agree with me.
At least you can realistically step away from your views and see how they look to many.