Catchall Deion Sanders Thread

i prefer diet coke for whatever reason.. real coke tastes like pure sugar to me
I suspect we are talking about two very different "real cokes". If you are over 60, which I doubt, then maybe so, but if under 40-45, probably not.
1. Not sure you understand the difference between revenue and profit. You use the words interchangeably. And even tho you are sure GT made zillions from JH being a star, you really have no idea if GT made anything from Joe’s stardom. And I won’t even adress the underlying assumption you are making that GT was some dimwitted school that the golden egg of Joe Hamilton just dropped into. Fridge made Joe Hamilton into Joe Hamilton. You think that just happened by accident? So ease up on the GT rode his coattails nonsense. Take Ralph Friedgen out of the picture and there is no appearance at the Heisman ceremony.

Second point is where the hell are you getting your information from? You are on record in other threads saying the GTAA is broke. Yet when you need to support your views on NIL, GT is making zillions on the backs of players that GT had no role in helping acheive success.

So first, learn why Revenue ≠ Profit. Then, give our staff some damn credit for helping shape raw talent into marketable talent. Then explain how GT is profitable and broke at the same time.
1. First of all I used the term “school” in a loosely based context to include all schools, and not just GT.

2. If you think Ralph Friedgen made Joe Hamilton into Joe Hamilton and deserves a majority of the credit for his success, that’s a disservice to Hamilton and the other players from 1996-1999. Hamilton was a close to upper level 4* to 5* level ath (if you correlate it to today so rankings) out of HS when he picked GT over powerhouse at the time Nebraska. GT had a lot of very good skill position players on those offenses, especially 98-99. Dez White, Kelly Campbell, Joe Burns, Phillip Rogers, Charlie Rogers, Ed Wilder all come to mind during that time. Saying that without Fridge means Hamilton wouldn’t have been a Heisman candidate is an opinion.

Based on your opinion of Fridge - Hamilton, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning would not have been the NFL HOF players they are with Bill Belichick and Tony Dungy. Again, that’s an opinion.

3. I never said GT is making a ton of $$$ off players, and Hamilton outside of Calvin Johnson we’re the 2 players who came to mind who people bought a lot of jerseys with their numbers on the back of. So you’re saying players don’t deserve a share of that? It’s not like the numbers picked for those jerseys aren’t associated to a star player.

4. The GTAA is broke. A lot of it has to do with some bad hires, bad contracts and a small alumnus & sidewalk fan base combined with all the other debts from travel, etc for all sports programs.

I’m not going to dig through and show every example of why, but for context here are the reasons followed by a link detailing out all the current problems as of October 2022 when it was published.

This is what I would like to see happen! NFL Farm/Minor League! IMHO College Baseball has not suffered because of MLB Farm League System. Again, IMHO, this would increase parity in college sports and decrease the Factories dominance in college sports.

Return College Football (College Sports in general) back to playing for God, Country, Mom, Apple Pie, and Alma Mater.

IF NIL is here to stay, should a player have to reimburse the school for the first 50%-100% of education costs provided by the school, before banking any money? I used my "NIL" and skills to get jobs while I was a student at GT. And I had to take that money and use it to pay GT and others for education related expenses. I'm not, nor have I ever been, a stud athlete, but I used my "NIL" and skills to represent GT as positively as possible... Where are my added benefits and compensations?? (Yes. I'm being hyperbolic and sarcastic, but I hope you get the point.) :dunno:
I think Alabama would outpay the Iowa Tornados. I just don't see how a minor league football is financially viable.
Do you realize how few programs are making big bucks from all these supposedly unfair/unshared sources of money? It cost a great deal to run a D-1 program. Have you taken a family of 4 to a major college football game lately? If so, do you still own your home, or does the bank actually own it?
It’s not as small as you think as it relates to CFB. What’s eating at the budgets of every AA are the non revenue sports that are nothing but a financial loss. If not for the HUGE TV deals for primarily football + booster donations, etc allocated 98% towards football, most schools would not even have half the sports programs they currently carry.

Truthfully, no. I haven’t been to a CFB game since 2018. I know costs in general are high if you combine gas + food + parking + ticket prices.

And like most Americans the bank owns my home. I’ve played the house flip up game over the 12 years I’ve been married (on house #5) and while the amount of $$$ we’ve made on each house has obviously gone up, so has the price of the next house, etc restarting the mythical 30 year mortgage clock.
Most minor league baseball players make less than cost of tuition at a D1 school, and have similar chance of going pro as a CFB player. Rookie league is a poverty wage. Minor league talents comparable to Hamilton don’t get anywhere near the media exposure he got playing for GT. It was a mutually beneficial relationship. Had Joe chosen another path Godsey or another player would’ve been in that role. I’m glad players can benefit from NIL deals now, but the guys “only” on scholarship still have great opportunities to walk away with something of real value.

What would players earn if the NFL ran farm leagues? Would you follow a minor league NFL team the way you follow GT?
Minor League football even with the backing of the NFL hasn’t in the past (World League) nor will it work now. As you’ve probably seen, the USFL and XFL have already merged post COVID. NFL isn’t going to invest significantly in making that league into something under the shield.

CFB is truly minor league football. For as much as we all love football, for some reason Spring football just hasn’t caught on, regardless of how many times they’ve tried it through varies leagues.