Catchall Deion Sanders Thread

This thread is so full of hypocritical öööö talkers. Nobody in Deion's camp ever claimed they would be worldbeaters this year. If you had half a brain you would never jump on that bandwagon, his confidence is his MO and to get the players there he wants they have to sell that. Anybody who thought he would win out is a sidewalk fan that doesn't know anything about football.

No coach in his right mind is gonna walk into a program and say "we're probably in for a 5 win season, that's why you're paying me 10 million." Absolutely asinine that anybody is talking about Deion's attitude, he is doing just as any intelligent cfb fan knew he would this year, and I guarantee you the buffs program knew also.

I'm sure he has plenty of motives that are personal and goals like that are what drive a man. If you don't like that it probably explains why you haven't gotten a raise in the last 3 years or why you are sitting at home with your midget porn.

However, the idiots posting here that want to give every coach we hire 5 years to show results, then turn around and roast the buffs after they have won 400% more than they did last year, and beaten ranked teams, and played some close games have to be eating some mercury laden crawfish or something.

If you are going to discount wins like TCU, you also have to discount wins like Miami, and UNC because they were overrated. It just doesn't make any sense and I feel like some of you have been replaced by your wives on this board because your logic is broken AF.
I guess you told them.
In 3 more years Deion will be in the same position CGC was after 4 years - unemployed college football coach.
The hell are you rambling on about! I’ll make this simple for you again.

I don‘t give 2 effs what the so called ranking is of any team in August-October. Here are examples why. Preseason rankings:

#5 LSU - 6-3 #18
#6 USC - 7-3 UR
#9 Clemson - 5-4 UR
#13 ND - 7-3 #22
#16 Kansas State - 6-3 UR
#17 TCU - 4-5 UR
#19 Wisconsin - 5-4 UR
#23 TAMU - 4-5 UR
#25 Iowa - 7-2 UR

Only rankings that matter start in November (CFP) until the first week of December.

Colorado has beaten no one with a pulse. Period.

You’re very bitter about the SEC overall. But sure, if it makes you feel better to sleep at night. Not sure how any of that applies to Colorado.

The rest of your post is nothing but a bunch of hope, hype and nonsense.

If that's your take take then fine.....but according to whatever magic dragon you're puffing on, then neither have we, so I'll take that as your stance from now on. Can't have it both ways
It may be true that there is no such thing as a “Quality Loss” but there certainly is a thing as a “Bad Loss”.

Every loss from Colorado this season has been close (with the exception of a very good Playoff-bound Oregon team). Until Deion has a Boston College type loss, haters gonna hate.

When Deion has a Bowling Green type loss you can @me.
It was almost Colorado State. So he won’t have one this year.
Both of those are hilarious. That Joey Mulinaro dude is funny and his impressions are really good!
Even better that he proved in his post he has no idea what he’s talking about and it just jumping off the bandwagon to bitch. Shiloh doesn’t play behind the O Line. SLJ is a mutt idiot.
An amazing character actor... but as with most actors, we are usually all better off when they stick to acting and keep their personal thoughts personal. Social media for public figures is best handled with some level of measured restraint and equanimity. Unlike StinGTalk. :biggrin:
Colorado does have a BG type loss. They blew that massive 2nd half lead against 3-6 Stanford who lost to FCS Sacramento State.

Since you again ignored the global point. What exactly was a good reason for demoting OC Sean Lewis? And what exactly is a good reason for not demoting DC Charles Kelly?

You can say “haters gonna hate” all you want, but Bowling Green has as many wins than any team Colorado has beaten. Heck, BG has a shot to play for the MAC Championship. GT should never have lost to BG, but it’s no worse than losing to Stanford at this point. Here are Colorado’s wins and remaining schedule.

Nebraska (5-4)
Remaining games: Maryland, @ Wisconsin, Iowa
TCU (4-5)
Remaining games: Texas, @ Baylor, OU
Colorado State (3-6)
Remaining games: SDSU, Nevada, @ Hawaii
Arizona Stats (2-7)
Remaining games: @UCLA, Oregon, Arizona

The only team with a chance at 6 wins and a bowl game is Nebraska. Which would require an upset to do so. Lol

CO beat Neb+Sims, that is an 0-2 team. Neb-Sims is a 5-2 team.
And in other news, another moral victory loss for Colorado to Arizona 34-31 dropping Colorado to 4-6 with Wazzou, @ Utah remaining. This thread sure has gotten awfully quiet as of late. I wonder why……