Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

Please tell me when we have 24 to 32 teams in the playoff how that will only benefit 8 teams? This thing is blowing past 8 or 12 teams fast. For those who want to stick to the status quo I’ll be here to remind you in January how you got your wish when the playoffs once again consist of 2 SEC teams, Ohio St, and then write in one of the other usual teams. I simply can’t believe GT fans want a system that keeps the factories in control. How many Natty’s do y’all want UGA to win with their 3 game schedule?

So you’re telling me you are fine with a 10-2 GT team being left out and playing in an exhibition bowl game that no one cares about? Just ridiculous.
Last I checked it’s moving to 12
Last I checked it’s moving to 12
Yep, and will go to 24 within a decade which will actually be a real playoff instead of the fake garbage the fans have been force fed. Keep in mind, it’s not happening because it’s “right” or “fair”. It’s happening because of money. And I don’t care about “why” it’s happening although I wish the world were fair, but at least now my team will have a legit chance to get an invite without having to be perfect. Think about it - in 1990 we were the ONLY undefeated team and we still got hosed. That’s when I grew up and realized the entire system is rigged. And it is still rigged until we have a real playoff. 12 teams won’t cut it because we all know the committee will reward those schools who have paid them off - not in the traditional sense, but we all know how business works. Golf, boats, and I’d love to see where the committees grandkids go to college. Something tells me we have a lot of factories on that list.
Well if was too guess the most likely to happen

1) No one leaves the ACC - buyout way too much at this time check back in 7 or 8 years where the dollar numbers may make some sense. The only way this may work is if ESPN wants to dump content to save money and then an ACC school or two goes to the BIG 10 - not likely as FSU and Clemson are the best two TV rating schools - why give them up at the bargain price they are.
2) Very possible, with the lack of a good media deal, the PAC 12 corner schools leave. Todays news on the TV deal very underwhelming - after a year of wait and see.
3) A realistic chance ESPN may support some type of ACC - PAC 12 (9 or 8 or 6) merger, The PAC would give ESPN late night programing (Pacific Coast Time) - which they need,

I also have some good numbers you can use for the $1b Mega Millions Jackpot.
The signing of the GOR was in conjunction with an amended version of the ESPN media deal. The ACC got more money for having the 14 sign on to the GOR.

In other words, schools knew exactly what they were getting before they signed. They signed it because it came with a guaranteed pay bump. Any dumbass rumor you read where schools were frauded by ACC or Swofford should be ignored but not before you laugh at the person repeating it.
I do not understand why 14 schools would agree to a fixed amount for that extended time frame with no inflation adjustment.
Well as fast as the world is moving I think we should lead the country in AI implants in our players. Figure out the other teams plays or defense before their own players even do. And what about bionic limbs? A guy like Goose Godsey running a 3.9 forty. THATS where this is going. Sell Bowlcut a version that we can easily hack.
Yep, and will go to 24 within a decade which will actually be a real playoff instead of the fake garbage the fans have been force fed. Keep in mind, it’s not happening because it’s “right” or “fair”. It’s happening because of money. And I don’t care about “why” it’s happening although I wish the world were fair, but at least now my team will have a legit chance to get an invite without having to be perfect. Think about it - in 1990 we were the ONLY undefeated team and we still got hosed. That’s when I grew up and realized the entire system is rigged. And it is still rigged until we have a real playoff. 12 teams won’t cut it because we all know the committee will reward those schools who have paid them off - not in the traditional sense, but we all know how business works. Golf, boats, and I’d love to see where the committees grandkids go to college. Something tells me we have a lot of factories on that list.

It may go to 24 earlier than that because that will be the only way the networks will be able to afford their current contracts.
I do not understand why 14 schools would agree to a fixed amount for that extended time frame with no inflation adjustment.

Exactly. Long range commitment when a situation is rapidly changing and there is absolutely no way of predicting what the landscape will look like that far in the future is a bad plan. Rather than embracing the quick pace of change and leading his schools to be nimble and creative in responding to the challenges ahead, Swofford and the schools settled for a long term anchor. Anchored ships in the path of a storm get damaged or destroyed.
Yep, and will go to 24 within a decade which will actually be a real playoff instead of the fake garbage the fans have been force fed. Keep in mind, it’s not happening because it’s “right” or “fair”. It’s happening because of money. And I don’t care about “why” it’s happening although I wish the world were fair, but at least now my team will have a legit chance to get an invite without having to be perfect. Think about it - in 1990 we were the ONLY undefeated team and we still got hosed. That’s when I grew up and realized the entire system is rigged. And it is still rigged until we have a real playoff. 12 teams won’t cut it because we all know the committee will reward those schools who have paid them off - not in the traditional sense, but we all know how business works. Golf, boats, and I’d love to see where the committees grandkids go to college. Something tells me we have a lot of factories on that list.
Ok, wake me up when that happens.
Well if was too guess the most likely to happen

1) No one leaves the ACC - buyout way too much at this time check back in 7 or 8 years where the dollar numbers may make some sense. The only way this may work is if ESPN wants to dump content to save money and then an ACC school or two goes to the BIG 10 - not likely as FSU and Clemson are the best two TV rating schools - why give them up at the bargain price they are.
2) Very possible, with the lack of a good media deal, the PAC 12 corner schools leave. Todays news on the TV deal very underwhelming - after a year of wait and see.
3) A realistic chance ESPN may support some type of ACC - PAC 12 (9 or 8 or 6) merger, The PAC would give ESPN late night programing (Pacific Coast Time) - which they need,

I also have some good numbers you can use for the $1b Mega Millions Jackpot.

bottom line- nothing acc/pac realignment-wise happens unless it is good for espn and they want it to happen
If ESPN revenues continue to fall, and Disney does not bail them out, then isn't the current SEC money plan in jeooardy?
If a school joins the SEC do they not diminish their chances of getting into the National picture simply because they have to play a consistently tougher schedule?
Will the non-tv crowds come back to the games if they know their team has no chance of getting into a conference championship?

Random coffee questions probably driven by yesterday's 108F.
This sort of thing is the real problem with the ACC's contract and why teams want out. The GOR in a different contract would of been fine.
There was talk when it was signed that the ACC contract had intermittent "look ins" to adjust the value in relation to the other conferences' deals. I guess that was just made up? It is puzzling the agreement wouldn't have some sort of mechanism like that...
Well as fast as the world is moving I think we should lead the country in AI implants in our players. Figure out the other teams plays or defense before their own players even do. And what about bionic limbs? A guy like Goose Godsey running a 3.9 forty. THATS where this is going. Sell Bowlcut a version that we can easily hack.
i dont understand why we havent already been using AI, we're georgia tech, we can do that. unless its illegal. get hands on opponents practice film, previous games, and dump in computer as data points. during games, analyze opponents formations and come up with most probable play call and coordinators can relay to sidelines. maybe this already happens, but seems tech should have a leg up in this dept.
There was talk when it was signed that the ACC contract had intermittent "look ins" to adjust the value in relation to the other conferences' deals. I guess that was just made up? It is puzzling the agreement wouldn't have some sort of mechanism like that...

Maybe it does and the ACC hasn’t performed. The ACC has generally had 1 top 10 team and one top 25 team. Over the course of the current contract, FSU has sucked and Miami has been mediocre. VT has performed exactly as expected post Beamer. GT has flopped.

Based on our conference performance, we are appropriately paid. That’s the problem with the ACC. If we had better teams and the foresight to have a B1G model, we would be rolling in dough. But our teams don’t draw the interest in their home states the way the B1G schools do.
This would probably put the breaks on conference expansion if it actually happened.
but there's no law that says you have to use CFP is there? if CFP tried a power play the factories didnt like, whats stopping the SEC and BIG from creating a partnership, expanding to pick up all the top teams from every conference, and then creating one sec vs big championship at end of season. renegotiating tv rights to get 90% of market to be split between both conferences.
i dont understand why we havent already been using AI, we're georgia tech, we can do that. unless its illegal. get hands on opponents practice film, previous games, and dump in computer as data points. during games, analyze opponents formations and come up with most probable play call and coordinators can relay to sidelines. maybe this already happens, but seems tech should have a leg up in this dept.
Someone could easily do that as a senior design project. My question is if there's enough datapoints to train the algorithm to be more accurate than an analyst.
Someone could easily do that as a senior design project. My question is if there's enough datapoints to train the algorithm to be more accurate than an analyst.

My question is how much weight does the ability to execute the perfectly-called play carry?
i dont understand why we havent already been using AI, we're georgia tech, we can do that. unless its illegal. get hands on opponents practice film, previous games, and dump in computer as data points. during games, analyze opponents formations and come up with most probable play call and coordinators can relay to sidelines. maybe this already happens, but seems tech should have a leg up in this dept.
Seems like an opportunity for a consulting service.