Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

The donors know what is told to them by people who are in the know. This is all only as reliable as the person who fed him info.
Sure. And what I'm skeptical of is that the kind of people who are in the know don't go around talking to donors about what they know.
How many teams are needed to disband the conference? If I were FSU, I’d offer 8 schools the $300 mil to break up the conference. Then let them reform without the dead weight or head off to greener pastures.
My source (connected FSU donor) said strong possibility of something announced before Aug. 15 deadline, but he doesn’t expect anything tomorrow.
Emergency BoT meeting taking place today. Also hearing that B1G waiving the AAU requirement as an entry requirement provided F$U completes the accreditation process which they are apparently close to doing.
There was talk when it was signed that the ACC contract had intermittent "look ins" to adjust the value in relation to the other conferences' deals. I guess that was just made up? It is puzzling the agreement wouldn't have some sort of mechanism like that...

It wasn't made up, but from what I understand it was basically to be held at fixed time intervals. Don't know if the ACC had to negotiating power to force it, but we'd be better if there was anything reactive in it like a re-evaluate every time a power conference changes their team list or even a relative pricing requirement (ie no other conference can double up our total).
Has it ever escalated?

Schools received an average distribution of $36.1 million per institution, according to the conference, which is a 16 percent increase from the previous year.

The ACC was boosted by the second year of the ACC Network, the ESPN channel that launched in 2019 and was closer to full distribution in 2020-21 than it had been during its debut year. The conference reported $397,411,225 in television revenue for this fiscal year, up 20 percent from last year.
If FSU or Clemson leave before us I hope the conference can keep them from winning the championship their last year. However if we could be first to leave it would be sweet to curb stomp everybody on our way out the door.

Translation the AAU and B1G academic stuff is bullshit.
Nebraska was in the AAU when they joined the B1G but were kicked out of it shortly thereafter. Not sure the B1G can do much about that. Interestingly, I was a bit surprised to see that Nebraska has the 2nd smallest enrollment in the B1G (25k). Only Northwestern is smaller at 22k.
It wasn't made up, but from what I understand it was basically to be held at fixed time intervals. Don't know if the ACC had to negotiating power to force it, but we'd be better if there was anything reactive in it like a re-evaluate every time a power conference changes their team list or even a relative pricing requirement (ie no other conference can double up our total).

Correct, the look-ins were marked for specific years, as I recall reading on the Hive at the time.

Regarding negotiating power, the ACC was all in on getting the ACC network, so I imagine ESPN had the leverage on the other details, such as length of contract, along with getting a GOR in place, to ensure ESPN could protect its investment.

Your last point about stipulations like not getting lapped in pricing, I remember several people suggesting something similar at the time. But the nay-sayers were told that's what the look-ins were for, and once the ACC network was fully carried everything would be fine.
Makes you wonder how big exactly the B1G is looking long-term. They don't look content to sit at 20 teams if they're eyeballing southern programs. They're clearly not saying "we need to hit X number of teams for the ideal league structure". So I wonder if their hope is to eventually grab all the major players from each conference for something like a collective bargaining agreement with networks. Might be the only way to get a real handle on a fair and balanced set of rules everyone has to live by.