Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

Makes you wonder how big exactly the B1G is looking long-term. They don't look content to sit at 20 teams if they're eyeballing southern programs. They're clearly not saying "we need to hit X number of teams for the ideal league structure". So I wonder if their hope is to eventually grab all the major players from each conference for something like a collective bargaining agreement with networks. Might be the only way to get a real handle on a fair and balanced set of rules everyone has to live by.
Would be hilarious if FSU causes all the upheaval and then gets left out.
Here's Brett McMurphy's take on the same story:

His post puts an entirely different spin on the topic of expansion. That actually makes it sound like the FSU stuff may have some legs. That said, I have no doubt FSU would probably prefer SEC, but this makes it sound like there might actually be some truth to all these FSU rumors looking to exit the conference.
I just talked to a reliable source. Here’s what I’m hearing: nothing happens this year, FSU stays in the ACC. Next year, there’ll be more smoke and insiders saying that FSU is gonna do something, and they’ll do nothing. Same for 2025 and 2026.

Again, this is a pretty reliable inside source I’m hearing this from.
Not ideal. The PAC is going to get picked clean first because they don't have the anchor of the GOR to contend with. Meanwhile, if the 2 richest programs bolt the ACC, you end up trying to cobble together something amongst the misfits.
Nebraska was in the AAU when they joined the B1G but were kicked out of it shortly thereafter. Not sure the B1G can do much about that. Interestingly, I was a bit surprised to see that Nebraska has the 2nd smallest enrollment in the B1G (25k). Only Northwestern is smaller at 22k.
And the worst academics in the whole BIG
I just talked to a reliable source. Here’s what I’m hearing: nothing happens this year, FSU stays in the ACC. Next year, there’ll be more smoke and insiders saying that FSU is gonna do something, and they’ll do nothing. Same for 2025 and 2026.

Again, this is a pretty reliable inside source I’m hearing this from.

Let ‘em go and cut ‘em loose. FSU hasn’t been a dominant force in the ACC for long time. Would only be tougher in those other conferences.
Sure, provided they pay the league full GOR through 2036. öööö FSU trying to negotiate down from a deal they readily agreed to.
Here's Brett McMurphy's take on the same story:

His post puts an entirely different spin on the topic of expansion. That actually makes it sound like the FSU stuff may have some legs. That said, I have no doubt FSU would probably prefer SEC, but this makes it sound like there might actually be some truth to all these FSU rumors looking to exit the conference.

I know a lot of people involved with FSU, and I can tell you they wouldn’t be going through all this if there weren’t real possibilities.
Killing 100+ years of tradition for money. Now I'm forced to hope that we get into a league that has zero traditional rivals and no regional appeal (ya know, the things that make CFB great) just so we can survive.
Yeah, kind of stinks.
This öööö is honestly so exhausting. A big turn off to me for the sport

For me it's down to I care about GT and that's about it, and I think this sort of thing has been a catalyst in that process. I used to be far more engaged in the sport as a whole but now, SEC this, ACC that, I really just don't care anymore, the traditions and uniqueness of college football is meaningful to a lot of people and that seems to be dissolving, that's going to have some effect. Nothing about any of this generates any shred of excitement for me. I doubt I'm missed, there are obviously an enormous amount of fans that will keep this thing going, but I'm glad that I was able to experience college football in what now looks like a different era.
For me it's down to I care about GT and that's about it, and I think this sort of thing has been a catalyst in that process. I used to be far more engaged in the sport as a whole but now, SEC this, ACC that, I really just don't care anymore, the traditions and uniqueness of college football is meaningful to a lot of people and that seems to be dissolving, that's going to have some effect. Nothing about any of this generates any shred of excitement for me. I doubt I'm missed, there are obviously an enormous amount of fans that will keep this thing going, but I'm glad that I was able to experience college football in what now looks like a different era.

Fully agree. I don't think this affects my interest in GT football specifically (assuming we don't get relegated to mid major status), but it really hurts my interest in the sport as a whole, when I used to prefer it to the NFL.
Rick McCullough addressing the topic now. Wants more money from the ACC.
Rick McCullough addressing the topic now. Wants more money from the ACC.

Kind of funny. "You'd better pay us more money or we'll be forced to give you hundreds of millions in exit fees!"

I know the situation is more nuanced than that but they're not exactly in a strong negotiating position.
Drew Weatherford: Do we want to play games moving forward or do we want to compete? ACC is falling behind other conferences in being competitive.