Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

Texas and OU paid $100 million dollars to leave the Big 12 one football season early to join the SEC. If the going rate is $50 million per team per season on the GOR and there are 13 football seasons remaining on the ACC GOR then any team leaving the ACC based on a financial arrangement would have to pay $650+ million dollars if the league would even allow you to leave.

It is also unlikely that any schools could get out of the GOR by voting to dissolved the ACC conference. I don't know what is in the ACC's bylaws, but it likely includes stipulations (similar to the Big 12 bylaws) that any members seeking to leave or conspiring to leave the conference with others would lose their voting right on whether to dissolve the conference. In other words, a majority of the jilted schools would have to vote in favor of dissolution which seems extremely unlikely.

So let me make this argument, the going rate for Texas and OU is $50M/season. Could GT argue that the damage done to the ACC contract would be $5M/season by GT leaving? I mean, they can only recoup actual damage not some inflated imaginary value where GT and FSU command the same value.
So let me make this argument, the going rate for Texas and OU is $50M/season. Could GT argue that the damage done to the ACC contract would be $5M/season by GT leaving? I mean, they can only recoup actual damage not some inflated imaginary value where GT and FSU command the same value.

They can recoup whatever the contract says. Which seems to effectively be in the range of $400 million per school, with no distinction between the schools.
And ESPN has to pay the ACC the same amount every year for 12 more years. The ACC gets the money and divvies it up. If Florida State and Clemson leave, the ACC still gets the same amount of money and divvies it among less teams. And the SEC contract does not increase. So what is the payoff for Clemson and FSU?
The payoff for Clemson/FSU is they sell out every home game, sell out every away game ticket allotment, improve recruiting standing, play in the marque conference with the biggest seat at the table for CFB including the expanded playoff system, sell more licensed merch, get more NIL money to give away, excite their fan base and grow it, and sooner or later make a bunch more money.

Furthermore, the SEC/Disney/ESPN contract is up in 2033/4 two years prior to the ACC deal ending. Presumably the SEC will be able to command even more giving them an even bigger cut (presuming Disney/ESPN still exists as it does today). Additionally, Disney/ESPN could sweeten the deal and choose to pay more right away for the new SEC.

I'm not saying any of this going to happen. I'm just saying if they were looking for a loophole that might actually work, and they clearly are, this one has potential. They pay their exit fee to the ACC and ESPN handles the GOR issue. The SEC grows even stronger, the ACC gets the money they were gonna get regardless plus the exit fees and FSU and Clemson get the stage they feel they deserve.

As far as ESPN is concerned, think of the new SEC matchups they will own the rights to. FSU, Clemson, UGA, UF, Alabama, Auburn, UTenn, UTex, OU, TAM, LSU, ARK, Ole Miss, USCe, UK, MSST, and others. Not to mention the conference championship and how many of these teams make the new playoffs. Huge eyeballs every week. Advertising bonanza. Subscriber bonanza.

I don't like any of it. Yes, the ACC would be crippled. But from a revenue standpoint, ESPN would likely be much better off with the new and improved SEC than trying to sustain status quo in the ACC. The SEC is the much bigger investment for them with a much bigger return potential. Again, I'm not saying it will happen. Just saying, if the SEC wants them, I think they can get them and FSU/Clemson would jump in a heartbeat.
If I had my way, the CFP would announce tomorrow that they will take a max of two teams per conference. And their committee will always have 5 power conferences regardless of power dynamics. If teams want to join a super conference then they can destroy their chances of a championship. Or they can remain in a regional conference and play like before
If I had my way, the CFP would announce tomorrow that they will take a max of two teams per conference. And their committee will always have 5 power conferences regardless of power dynamics. If teams want to join a super conference then they can destroy their chances of a championship. Or they can remain in a regional conference and play like before
This is the way
If I had my way, the CFP would announce tomorrow that they will take a max of two teams per conference. And their committee will always have 5 power conferences regardless of power dynamics. If teams want to join a super conference then they can destroy their chances of a championship. Or they can remain in a regional conference and play like before
Why would they ever do that though?
So FSU besides paying 120M exit fee any departing school would forfeit its media rights and the ability to have home games and some non-conference games air on TV. In all sports. Through 2036 Why would FSU leave to have their new BIG10 or SEC revenue go to the ACC? Why wouldn't FSU just wait until the next media contract to leave, when they can keep their new BIG10/SEC revenue?

Original 2013 GOR

This is the GOR amendment in 2016 that extended the ACC Grant of Rights through 2036

Why would the ACC/ESPN agree to altered by negotiating anything less then 120M exit fee and 910M FSU new media rights that will be paid to the ACC/ESPN ($70 million per year from Big10). That is what it takes to leave for the Big10 per the ACC GOR, before lawyer fees.

If FSU stays in ACC they are scheduled to receive 712M in the ACC through 2036, so the difference in payout from Big10 to ACC is roughly 198M through 2036. Why would FSU pay 120M in an exit fee, lawyer fees and and try and negotiate a huge buyout vs losing their ACC home TV rights through 2036? All this for 198M dollar difference? You want me to believe this? What I can believe is that FSU may leave closer to 2030/2033, but today???

I call BS!
$120 million is cheap, if the SEC wants you.
If I had my way, the CFP would announce tomorrow that they will take a max of two teams per conference. And their committee will always have 5 power conferences regardless of power dynamics. If teams want to join a super conference then they can destroy their chances of a championship. Or they can remain in a regional conference and play like before

I’d tweak that a bit. I would keep the playoff at 4 teams. I would have 4 additional (honorable mention) teams that play but no chance at the title. Only conference champs can make top 4.

I would split revenue as follows:
10% to each of eight teams selected
10% to each of last two teams

Conferences can split that money however they want.

I would have 4 power conferences eligible to put two teams in. None power conferences can only have 1 team max.

Each power conference must have 16 teams. That is 64 of the current FBS teams.
Most schools in the pool of teams will be left out of the mega conferences. Also I think mega conferences are detrimental to the health of college football in general.
I agree, but they don't see a reason to change yet. They're all just making more money.
Once the GOR was signed was there a separate vote on the ESPN deal or were the schools obligated to accept the agreement Swafford negotiated with ESPN?
Once the GOR was signed was there a separate vote on the ESPN deal or were the schools obligated to accept the agreement Swafford negotiated with ESPN?
The signing of the GOR was in conjunction with an amended version of the ESPN media deal. The ACC got more money for having the 14 sign on to the GOR.

In other words, schools knew exactly what they were getting before they signed. They signed it because it came with a guaranteed pay bump. Any dumbass rumor you read where schools were frauded by ACC or Swofford should be ignored but not before you laugh at the person repeating it.
If I had my way, the CFP would announce tomorrow that they will take a max of two teams per conference. And their committee will always have 5 power conferences regardless of power dynamics. If teams want to join a super conference then they can destroy their chances of a championship. Or they can remain in a regional conference and play like before
This is just ridiculous and living in the past. Why not remove the facemasks and penalize any pass over 5 yards? Man, some of y’all really believe that keeping the status quo of the Bama’s and UGA’s in control of college football is the way to go? And what is the fascination with 5 power conferences? You do know that is just a random (or orchestrated) happenstance by the NCAA to keep the status quo don’t you?

The path forward (and where the money will take us) is to expand the playoffs and let everybody in so then everyone can see the upsets and smash the status quo to pieces. Give everyone a fair chance. I can’t believe GT fans want to continue a process where UGA plays a 2-3 game schedule and then gets an invite straight to the Final Four. Same for Bama and Ohio State. Meanwhile every other team has to basically go undefeated and then pray a bunch of paid off committee members are forced to take them because something odd happened in the BIG or SEC in the last weekend. Every GT fan(and every other fanbase) should be screaming for a full throated playoff to prove it on the field and not thru back door deals. Once the expansion and upsets happen (which will) you’ll see the recruiting game change. Right now, if any of us had a 5 star kid in our household we would all send them to a factory because that’s the only play to ensure their football future. You may not say it but we all know if your kid had a chance to be coached by an NFL staff with a pipeline to the draft you’d absolutely take it. Expanding the playoffs opens all those doors and will take away the glam of the factories. And since these players are professionals now know one really cares about extra games especially when it brings sold out home stadiums and TV revenue.
This is just ridiculous and living in the past. Why not remove the facemasks and penalize any pass over 5 yards? Man, some of y’all really believe that keeping the status quo of the Bama’s and UGA’s in control of college football is the way to go? And what is the fascination with 5 power conferences? You do know that is just a random (or orchestrated) happenstance by the NCAA to keep the status quo don’t you?

The path forward (and where the money will take us) is to expand the playoffs and let everybody in so then everyone can see the upsets and smash the status quo to pieces. Give everyone a fair chance. I can’t believe GT fans want to continue a process where UGA plays a 2-3 game schedule and then gets an invite straight to the Final Four. Same for Bama and Ohio State. Meanwhile every other team has to basically go undefeated and then pray a bunch of paid off committee members are forced to take them because something odd happened in the BIG or SEC in the last weekend. Every GT fan(and every other fanbase) should be screaming for a full throated playoff to prove it on the field and not thru back door deals. Once the expansion and upsets happen (which will) you’ll see the recruiting game change. Right now, if any of us had a 5 star kid in our household we would all send them to a factory because that’s the only play to ensure their football future. You may not say it but we all know if your kid had a chance to be coached by an NFL staff with a pipeline to the draft you’d absolutely take it. Expanding the playoffs opens all those doors and will take away the glam of the factories. And since these players are professionals now know one really cares about extra games especially when it brings sold out home stadiums and TV revenue.
Well enjoy having the same 8 teams from the sec in the playoffs every, single, year
So let me make this argument, the going rate for Texas and OU is $50M/season. Could GT argue that the damage done to the ACC contract would be $5M/season by GT leaving? I mean, they can only recoup actual damage not some inflated imaginary value where GT and FSU command the same value.

Ultimately, you have to convince the other member schools to let you out of the GOR at a negotiated deal or pay the exit fee as indicated in the GOR.

In order to want to leave the ACC, you presumably would have another conference extending an offer to you. If you are arguing that your media rights are only worth $5M/season then you not a very attractive new member candidate for other conferences.
Well enjoy having the same 8 teams from the sec in the playoffs every, single, year
Please tell me when we have 24 to 32 teams in the playoff how that will only benefit 8 teams? This thing is blowing past 8 or 12 teams fast. For those who want to stick to the status quo I’ll be here to remind you in January how you got your wish when the playoffs once again consist of 2 SEC teams, Ohio St, and then write in one of the other usual teams. I simply can’t believe GT fans want a system that keeps the factories in control. How many Natty’s do y’all want UGA to win with their 3 game schedule?

So you’re telling me you are fine with a 10-2 GT team being left out and playing in an exhibition bowl game that no one cares about? Just ridiculous.
FSU fans seem to think GT and NC will join them and Clemson in the Big 10, but you may not like their reasoning
Don’t care; Big 10
I’d tweak that a bit. I would keep the playoff at 4 teams. I would have 4 additional (honorable mention) teams that play but no chance at the title. Only conference champs can make top 4.

I would split revenue as follows:
10% to each of eight teams selected
10% to each of last two teams

Conferences can split that money however they want.

I would have 4 power conferences eligible to put two teams in. None power conferences can only have 1 team max.

Each power conference must have 16 teams. That is 64 of the current FBS teams.
or only conference champions can make the playoff. Easiest way to do it.