Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

They don’t need us
They already have a ton of alumni in the metro ATL to watch
There are more FSU alums than GT alums in metro ATL
They already recruit the hell out of Georgia

You are missing the point. They get $x per subscriber in television markets where they don't have a team. They get $10x per subscriber or something like that in the markets where they have a team. I can't find a link to the details but someone like @GTFLETCH project can pull it up.

So, if they had GT, they would be making on the order of 10x what they are making from the Atlanta market now.
You are missing the point. They get $x per subscriber in television markets where they don't have a team. They get $10x per subscriber or something like that in the markets where they have a team. I can't find a link to the details but someone like @GTFLETCH project can pull it up.

So, if they had GT, they would be making on the order of 10x what they are making from the Atlanta market now.
Wonder how that works in the age of streaming, they go by billing address?
What’s funny tho is whether that rumor was started by a legit donor talking to administration or some random guy on the internet, that’s all it took to get the school prez to speak up and the board of trustees to spend time talking about it during their meeting.
I started this thread before any of the social media sites mentioned it. I can also tell you the Prez soft-peddled the message that came out of the meeting I heard about. As soon as the terms are nailed down, they are gone.
I started this thread before any of the social media sites mentioned it. I can also tell you the Prez soft-peddled the message that came out of the meeting I heard about. As soon as the terms are nailed down, they are gone.
sure they are
I started this thread before any of the social media sites mentioned it. I can also tell you the Prez soft-peddled the message that came out of the meeting I heard about. As soon as the terms are nailed down, they are gone.

Your first post.
I am told by a reliable source that F$U will announce its departure from the ACC this week.

Further, I am told they are going to pay the exit fee.
Rutgers was balling out in those days too. Ray Rice and that QB, I think Teel??
I agree in hindsight it looks dumb. But at the time i wasn't particularly for it. It was some money but unlike Rutgers and Maryland, we would have been playing totally out of our region for ALL sports. Rutgers and Maryland were at least Northern schools so not as big a stretch for them and they both were in desperate need of funds. The extra money at the time I do not believe was that much as compared to today where it is enough to make FSU act like little b******. Who knew the BigI would sign such a great TV contract later. So now - yes - it looks dumb but at the time it wasn't dumb and dumber material.
We need to say “no” on redistribution of media revenue. FSU, Clemson, UNC or anyone else arguing for a bigger share than other conference members just need to shut up.

If you have an offer to leave you want to take, then good luck. Just write the checks to all of us before you go.

What should be happening is dialog with the two biggest conferences. Is their intent to have two super conferences? If so, be talking about getting all fourteen schools a home. If the two Super Conferences say “no way”, then go to work with PAC remains and Big 12 to create the third super conference. Let the ACC stay intact with ND, add all the Big 12 and the PAC schools you can and you can be the third leg of conferences that spans the nation and can be attractive with media contracts.

One more point, how ridiculous that we have not made this expansion process football only. The only losers would have been conference bureaucrats. It is not a bad thing to make football an exceptional case as the big, money-making sport. But, to have every sport competing in conferences that make no geographical sense is plain stupid.
I agree in hindsight it looks dumb. But at the time i wasn't particularly for it. It was some money but unlike Rutgers and Maryland, we would have been playing totally out of our region for ALL sports. Rutgers and Maryland were at least Northern schools so not as big a stretch for them and they both were in desperate need of funds. The extra money at the time I do not believe was that much as compared to today where it is enough to make FSU act like little b******. Who knew the BigI would sign such a great TV contract later. So now - yes - it looks dumb but at the time it wasn't dumb and dumber material.
There's a lot of MMQ going on in this thread. At the time of the ACC GOR very few were warning of it leading to our demise. In fact, having just lost UND, most that I know of were applauding it to keep the ACC from getting "raided" further.
There's a lot of MMQ going on in this thread. At the time of the ACC GOR very few were warning of it leading to our demise. In fact, having just lost UND, most that I know of were applauding it to keep the ACC from getting "raided" further.
Why did no one else have a GOR that extended into the 2030s? Our GOR almost violates the rule against perpetuities.
I started this thread before any of the social media sites mentioned it. I can also tell you the Prez soft-peddled the message that came out of the meeting I heard about. As soon as the terms are nailed down, they are gone.
As soon as terms are nailed down I hope we're gone as well.
There's a lot of MMQ going on in this thread. At the time of the ACC GOR very few were warning of it leading to our demise. In fact, having just lost UND, most that I know of were applauding it to keep the ACC from getting "raided" further.
There were also a lot of people calling Swofford a ninja, as if he had done the impossible. People can be misinformed, and frankly homers, seeing the scenario through rose colored glasses. There were people voicing their concerns, but once the GOR was signed it was akin to kicking the can down the road, so nothing else to worry about at that time.

I don’t get the sense FSU is planning to hang around forever, whether they leave now or later. When they leave, the ACC is going to be worth less as a conference. The revenue gap isn’t going to close, it’s going to get worse, unless college basketball blows up in popularity. I know our leadership has enough problems trying to get us back on track this year, let alone worry about 10-15 years down the road. But that’s the situation, might as well acknowledge it.
We need to say “no” on redistribution of media revenue. FSU, Clemson, UNC or anyone else arguing for a bigger share than other conference members just need to shut up.

If you have an offer to leave you want to take, then good luck. Just write the checks to all of us before you go.

What should be happening is dialog with the two biggest conferences. Is their intent to have two super conferences? If so, be talking about getting all fourteen schools a home. If the two Super Conferences say “no way”, then go to work with PAC remains and Big 12 to create the third super conference. Let the ACC stay intact with ND, add all the Big 12 and the PAC schools you can and you can be the third leg of conferences that spans the nation and can be attractive with media contracts.

One more point, how ridiculous that we have not made this expansion process football only. The only losers would have been conference bureaucrats. It is not a bad thing to make football an exceptional case as the big, money-making sport. But, to have every sport competing in conferences that make no geographical sense is plain stupid.

If there were a dialog to have the ACC get subsumed by the two super conferences who would go where?

If you kept with B1G academics then I'd say Tech, UNC, Duke, Wake, UVA, Miami, BC to B1G. FSU, NCSt, VT, Pitt, Cuse, Clemson, Louisville to SEC.
We need to say “no” on redistribution of media revenue. FSU, Clemson, UNC or anyone else arguing for a bigger share than other conference members just need to shut up.

If you have an offer to leave you want to take, then good luck. Just write the checks to all of us before you go.

What should be happening is dialog with the two biggest conferences. Is their intent to have two super conferences? If so, be talking about getting all fourteen schools a home. If the two Super Conferences say “no way”, then go to work with PAC remains and Big 12 to create the third super conference. Let the ACC stay intact with ND, add all the Big 12 and the PAC schools you can and you can be the third leg of conferences that spans the nation and can be attractive with media contracts.

One more point, how ridiculous that we have not made this expansion process football only. The only losers would have been conference bureaucrats. It is not a bad thing to make football an exceptional case as the big, money-making sport. But, to have every sport competing in conferences that make no geographical sense is plain stupid.
If we added 8 big 10 teams I would agree to some level of viewer based distribution. If Tech is ranked and in games against UGA, Clemson or other PAC teams I think people will watch and Tech will end up coming out ahead in the deal.
If there were a dialog to have the ACC get subsumed by the two super conferences who would go where?

If you kept with B1G academics then I'd say Tech, UNC, Duke, Wake, UVA, Miami, BC to B1G. FSU, NCSt, VT, Pitt, Cuse, Clemson, Louisville to SEC.

If the ACC sinks, Wake and Duke aren’t going anywhere. BC and Cuse would be in danger unless the B1G network is part of the local cable packages. UL wouldn’t make it to the SEC. Pitt would be screwed as well since they add 0 B1G revenue and are of no interest to the SEC. WVU would add more value than Pitt the way the B1G generates money.
If there were a dialog to have the ACC get subsumed by the two super conferences who would go where?

If you kept with B1G academics then I'd say Tech, UNC, Duke, Wake, UVA, Miami, BC to B1G. FSU, NCSt, VT, Pitt, Cuse, Clemson, Louisville to SEC.
Unfortunately, if the ACC was to get subsumed I don't think everyone is going to make the boat. Right now they are talking about what schools are additive (hence Washington and Oregon are attractive, Washington State and Oregon State are not). If your conference pays out $60M/year as a revenue split you need to bring in $60M of value. You can do that through new viewership markets, strong fanbases and/or compelling matchups.

My preference is we would land in the SEC. There are built in rivalries and every conference home game would be near sellout. We would be the away game that SEC fanbases circle each year due to the ease of travel.
My preference is we would land in the SEC. There are built in rivalries and every conference home game would be near sellout. We would be the away game that SEC fanbases circle each year due to the ease of travel.

I get the ways this would be beneficial, $$$, but envisioning every home game mainly filled with opposing SEC fans, sell out or not, man that just sounds like a ton of fun.

I realize the response is "Well then, we just need to win and fill with our own fans", which is the goal, and would be awesome, but this is GA tech - we can apparently NOT do that. So we end up in a position of "it would be nice to win and have our stadium not full of the other team's fans". Unintended consequences. Not that there is any solution, an half empty stadium with only Tech fans solves this problem but obviously comes with others.

I accept this though, all roads lead to nihilism, that is as much of being a Tech fan as anything.
I’ll say what everybody else is probably thinking…

Georgia Tech couldn’t have picked a worse time to be at rock bottom.

A historically winning program (in a current unprecedented downtrend) going through this potential re-shuffling has definitely got us lifelong Tech fans (who are used to winning) very nervous.