Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

I’ll say what everybody else is probably thinking…

Georgia Tech couldn’t have picked a worse time to be at rock bottom.

A historically winning program (in a current unprecedented downtrend) going through this potential re-shuffling has definitely got us lifelong Tech fans (who are used to winning) very nervous.
Exactly. Some of the fans in this group thought we hit rock bottom because we were running a gimmick offense and recruiting 2 and 3 star players. But guess what? The Big 10 wanted us. Now, I'm not so sure anybody wants us.
Exactly. Some of the fans in this group thought we hit rock bottom because we were running a gimmick offense and recruiting 2 and 3 star players. But guess what? The Big 10 wanted us. Now, I'm not so sure anybody wants us.
It’s never as good or as bad as it seems. Lol

But seriously…Geoff Collins, man. That guy really left us in the gutter.
I’ll say what everybody else is probably thinking…

Georgia Tech couldn’t have picked a worse time to be at rock bottom.

A historically winning program (in a current unprecedented downtrend) going through this potential re-shuffling has definitely got us lifelong Tech fans (who are used to winning) very nervous.
Yep. We are a very spoiled fanbase. And that led us to run off a Hall of Fame because Athlon brainwashed everyone with “rankings” and because our future QB injured himself in an ATV accident which led to a couple of down years. And look where we are now. About to become just another mid pack team lost in the wilderness of .500 football for decade after decade. Maybe we’ll get lucky with Key, but just like O’Leary did, if he pans out he’ll have job offers he can’t turn down no matter the loyalty to his alma mater.
F$U to the LIV tour confirmed.


$120 million? You ööööing wish, FSU. It will be the getting soaked at Doak payout, assholes

I'd get with JC Wentworth
What they really need to do is find 7 other teams to leave with them. I don't see this happening otherwise.

Agree. Here is my take on the ACC and why it would be hard to find 8 schools.

Pitt - no B1G or SEC interest
UL - no Big or sec interest
Wake - no B1G or SEC interest
Duke - no B1G or SEC interest
BC - no sec interest big interest would probably depend on cable company
Cuse - no sec interest big interest would probably depend on cable company

Vt - sec interest possible Big
Uva - no sec interest Big interest
Neither can move without a landing spot for the other

NCSt - possible sec interest no Big interest
UNC - sec and Big interest
Neither can move without a landing spot for the other

Clem - possible sec depending on SC and uga
big interest
FSU - possible sec interest Big interest

Miami - no sec interest Big interest
GT - no sec interest Big interest

The acc has four schools with no landing spot and 4 more that are bound together by both needing invites
Agree. Here is my take on the ACC and why it would be hard to find 8 schools.

Pitt - no B1G or SEC interest
UL - no Big or sec interest
Wake - no B1G or SEC interest
Duke - no B1G or SEC interest
BC - no sec interest big interest would probably depend on cable company
Cuse - no sec interest big interest would probably depend on cable company

Vt - sec interest possible Big
Uva - no sec interest Big interest
Neither can move without a landing spot for the other

NCSt - possible sec interest no Big interest
UNC - sec and Big interest
Neither can move without a landing spot for the other

Clem - possible sec depending on SC and uga
big interest
FSU - possible sec interest Big interest

Miami - no sec interest Big interest
GT - no sec interest Big interest

The acc has four schools with no landing spot and 4 more that are bound together by both needing invites

So it's easy to name the 8 schools that would be highly probable to either the SEC or B1G. But getting all 8 of those schools aligned on this goal to make it happen seems unrealistic.

UNC will have a landing place no matter what, their chief rivals are already in the ACC so they're not lagging behind anybody financially, and their basketball program is fine. UNC can wait all of this out until the ACC is done before they decide what to do, and based on Bubba's comments regarding the FSU situation, it sounds like they're indeed locked in on the ACC for the foreseeable future.

Clemson is still competing for championships, so are they ready to leave the conference they're charter members of and having the best run in school history at the moment to go elsewhere today? I don't know that they feel the pressure like FSU is with their fanbase.

So FSU is going to have a showdown with the GOR one way or the other if they're ready to make a move. Who would be the travel partner at that point though? Schools are joining conferences in pairs. Miami and Georgia Tech make the most logical sense, and I'm guessing in that order of likelihood and likely preference by the B1G. Miami seems like the kind of school that would be willing to take on the GOR, I can't see GT doing something like that unless FSU found a way to completely bypass the GOR.

This hurts. Right before this, we apparently had a B1G invitation on our desk and never opened it. I wonder if the timing was not co-incidental - that the B1G had been thinking about inviting Tech and maybe knew the GoR was coming so made sure to ask before we "got married" to the ACC till death do us part, etc.

Seems we need a hall of shame next to our Hall of Fame to hang (so to speak) a few people who had no business ever setting foot on our campus.
Bradley’s Buzz: The hot new legal drama - FSU vs. the ACC
Credit: AP​
What does it say about that, with a college football season almost at hand, there's less drama regarding who'll win than about who, this time next year, will be playing where? Maybe the expanded-by-eight playoff will liven up a sport that could stand livening, but the playoff arrives in December 2024. Meanwhile, the landscape changes by the day.

We last discussed conference realignment a week ago. Much has changed. Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports reports the Big Ten has opened discussions about adding Oregon, Washington, Stanford and Utah. The still-open-for-business Big 12 is poised to add Arizona after it re-poached Colorado. Even Apple TV mightn't want what's left of the Pac-12.

On Wednesday, Florida State said what we already knew: Having had one consecutive winning season, it has grown too big for its conference, to say nothing of its britches. President George McCullough proclaimed that, unless the ACC finds a way to pay FSU way more than it pays, say, Georgia Tech, the Seminoles will leave.

His words to ESPN: "I'm not that optimistic we'll be able to stay."

Not long ago, North Carolina stood alongside FSU in an alliance of seven disgruntled ACC programs. The splinter group has itself splintered. In an interview with a Raleigh radio station, UNC athletic director Bubba Cunningham accused the Seminoles of "barking." He advised them to pipe down or head out, the catch being that an ACC exit might involve idling on the runway for 12 years.

Cunningham: "Pay for the exit fee, wait for your grant of rights that you've given and then in 2036, when those rights return to you, do whatever you want."

The exit fee is $120 million. ACC media money through 2036 will amount to much more – though not what those in the Big Ten, SEC and Big 12 will bank. Florida State's dilemma: It wants to go where it can make big money, but leaving under these circumstances could render it poor.

We've wondered when an ACC school will sue to break the grant of rights. To borrow from "Les Miz": The time is now; the day is here.

As Peter Collins, FSU's board chair, told "(The grant of rights) will not be the document that keeps us from taking action." In other words: "See you in court, Bubba!"

Cunningham, asking the salient question: "I'm not sure how you can say, 'Just kidding. I don't like the deal that was struck and now I want to get out of it.' "

The grant of rights is the second-biggest issue facing Florida State. The biggest is more basic: Who wants FSU?

The Pac-12 no longer factors. The Big 12 would welcome Florida State, but the Seminoles, as much as they're interested in money, also seek prestige. With Texas and Oklahoma outbound, the Big 12 will have a bunch of far-flung names – from Colorado to West Virginia, from Cincinnati to Central Florida – but no tentpole.

If you're leaving the ACC, there are only two places to be. One is the Big Ten, which is looking westward. The league FSU wants to join is the SEC. Trouble is, the SEC hasn't felt a need for FSU.

Over three decades, the SEC has added South Carolina, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas A&M, Texas and Oklahoma. At the time of admission, four fit the SEC's stated criteria: They're flagship schools in states where the conference didn't have a member. Texas A&M isn't a flagship, but the SEC wanted a foothold in the Lone Star State and made an exception. It then made a same-state exception for Texas.

This tells us the SEC's standards are, ahem, flexible. Asked about Florida State, commissioner Greg Sankey offered ESPN a statement loaded with wiggle room: "Further expansion has not been a central topic in the SEC other than regularly updating our campus leadership on national developments."

Texas and Oklahoma bring the SEC to 16. The Big Ten could soon be the Big Ten X 2. In all sports save golf, more is better. The SEC could be persuaded to add FSU, though the league's Florida representative would raise a stink. The SEC might also say: "We're already a super-conference. We're fine as is."

Florida State needs a partner-in-flight. The SEC might look with more favor on a package deal – maybe including Clemson but especially including North Carolina and/or Miami. But no other ACC school will bolt if the grant of rights maintains legal sway. To get where it wants to be, FSU better get good at lawyering.​
Pretty sure that if the total # of teams exiting >=8, the GoR is effectively dissolved.
If all these teams end up in the SECheat and Big Integer, they alone will have about 20 teams each, or four conferences full between them. The teams are chasing Disney/ESPN money, yet they cannot (even now) play all of each other in a given season.

So, I have a question: If the issue is truly "inventory," then why doesn't Disney/ESPN simply tear up all the deals and renegotiate with all conferences a multilateral agreement specifying a certain number of interconference games be played to ensure enough inventory for ESPNs greedy little hands? IOW, why do OU and UTA have to destroy the B12 and move to the SECheat to play 3 of those teams annually - and vice versa? Just stipulate that there has to be N number of interconference games between X and Y conference each season.
If all these teams end up in the SECheat and Big Integer, they alone will have about 20 teams each, or four conferences full between them. The teams are chasing Disney/ESPN money, yet they cannot (even now) play all of each other in a given season.

So, I have a question: If the issue is truly "inventory," then why doesn't Disney/ESPN simply tear up all the deals and renegotiate with all conferences a multilateral agreement specifying a certain number of interconference games be played to ensure enough inventory for ESPNs greedy little hands? IOW, why do OU and UTA have to destroy the B12 and move to the SECheat to play 3 of those teams annually - and vice versa? Just stipulate that there has to be N number of interconference games between X and Y conference each season.
Because they are also shedding teams in the process. There’s about to be a lot of west coast butthurt when schools like Stanford and Cal get left out and end up in the Mountain West.

We need to shed Duke, Wake, BC, Syracuse at minimum.