Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

If $400-$500M can just had with a snap of the fingers, FSU admins wouldn’t be throwing a hissy fit like this.
GT athletics easily raised, I think, $175M for the new Edge building. FSU probably has 10X the number of fans that GT has. I would think it would be much easier to raise money to join the SEC or Big 10 than to build some building.
GT athletics easily raised, I think, $175M for the new Edge building. FSU probably has 10X the number of fans that GT has. I would think it would be much easier to raise money to join the SEC or Big 10 than to build some building.
Or to just stay in the ACC, if they have all this money gushing from the 10x alums they have over us, and fund first class facilities, NIL deals, staff....and just win the ACC Championship every season, make the playoffs, and play for a natty.

Fans want a national championship, not "look at us earning Arkansas money now!"
I'm very curious how schools like Vandy that got lucky to be in one of the super-conferences end up. I think Tech is in a very bad position right now, I don't see the Big 10 appeal that most of the fanbase just assumes. Academic prestige doesn't matter in college athletics (look at Oregon to Big 10), and having a stake in Atlanta means nothing if that stake isn't bringing good revenue. Tech feels like UC Berkley in this scenario.
I think we're on the outside looking in of this reshuffling, boys. No one to blame but TSTAN. GT just isn't a Top 40 property at a time when we need to be.
Y'all are retards. You read a tweet and immediately decide that it must be true.
Which tweet? The one that said the PAC wasn’t imploding or the one who said it would? Cause a whole conference died today. There will be 4 members left next week.
GT has an endowment of ~$3 billion (~2.3 billion more than FSU) which receives ~$100 million new gifts each year (~$88 million per year more than FSU). Below are GT's Total Revenue for the Athletics Department for 2021-22 (~$106 million per year, ~$55 million per year less than FSU). GT's Total Donations to both endowment and athletics equal ~$113 million per year (~$60 million per year more than FSU).

GT Athletics Total Revenue

FSU's endowment has ~$700 million dollars which receives ~$12 million in new contributions each year. Below are FSU's Total Revenue for the Athletics Department for 2021-22 (~$161 million). Total donations to both the endowment and athletics equals ~$53 million per year.

FSU Athletics Total Revenue
GT Athletics Total Revenue

FSU Athletics Total Revenue
Why is 'miscellaneous' our #1 category? What does that even mean? Too much trouble to break it out into North Ave handjobs and Techwood Drive handjobs and Tech Tower handjobs and yeah I guess that's too many pie slices. Anyway, FSU needs to up their handjobs game, they're obviously still not using a middle-out approach.
Why is 'miscellaneous' our #1 category? What does that even mean? Too much trouble to break it out into North Ave handjobs and Techwood Drive handjobs and Tech Tower handjobs and yeah I guess that's too many pie slices. Anyway, FSU needs to up their handjobs game, they're obviously still not using a middle-out approach.
Missile analus expenses.
Why is 'miscellaneous' our #1 category? What does that even mean? Too much trouble to break it out into North Ave handjobs and Techwood Drive handjobs and Tech Tower handjobs and yeah I guess that's too many pie slices. Anyway, FSU needs to up their handjobs game, they're obviously still not using a middle-out approach.
If you look over the past 4 years, FSU receives about the same amount of Miscellaneous Revenue as GT. FSU provides an additional $11 million in Direct Institutional Support (ie money paid from the school to athletics). The point here is that GT receives a lot more in donations than FSU when you look at the whole picture. The money is there. It is just being directed to academics instead of athletics. Do we want to bend on our academics in order to buy a football program? Who do we want to be?
If you look over the past 4 years, FSU receives about the same amount of Miscellaneous Revenue as GT. FSU provides an additional $11 million in Direct Institutional Support (ie money paid from the school to athletics). The point here is that GT receives a lot more in donations than FSU when you look at the whole picture. The money is there. It is just being directed to academics instead of athletics. Do we want to bend on our academics in order to buy a football program? Who do we want to be?
Here is the bottom line. I talk with a lot of FSU people, and their expectations are to play at the highest levels in football. With all the changes over the past few years, it is apparent that it takes money (that the ACC cannot provide) to do this. If people think programs like Bama and UGA aren’t using their huge money advantage to win, they are living in a dream world.
The mindset with FSU is we have expectations, and we have To fill a 80,000 seat stadium. They can sit back and live with hope, or accept the status quo of a pathetic, dying little regional conference. People can make posts about loyalty, endowments, etc., but being proactive is not a bad thing.
My question is how much the powers that be on The Hill value any of this, or not. I don’t know that answer, but I can’t trash a program that is being proactive. I hope and wish Tech will be.
If you look over the past 4 years, FSU receives about the same amount of Miscellaneous Revenue as GT. FSU provides an additional $11 million in Direct Institutional Support (ie money paid from the school to athletics). The point here is that GT receives a lot more in donations than FSU when you look at the whole picture. The money is there. It is just being directed to academics instead of athletics. Do we want to bend on our academics in order to buy a football program? Who do we want to be?
Yes I do