Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

If they somehow miss the playoff as the undefeated ACC champion, they will leave tomorrow. Their fans and admin would be on the verge of having an aneurysm they’d be so angry.
And part of that is their own ööööing fault for crybabying all ööööing off season
They haven’t complained about the level of competition or the teams in the conference. They have complained about money which is a completely legit complaint. The ACC screwed all its members with poor negotiating.
Yea, they needed to STFU about it, especially publicly. Their AD had mouth diarrhea and should shoulder just as much blame as the playoff voters if FSU doesn't get in. He helped to fester the "ACC is an inferior conference" bullshit all off-season. He can literally go öööö himself. FSU, if they get left out, can blame the voters AND themselves.
And yet they still won all of their games, including victories over two SEC teams, and a total of 4 Top 25 teams I believe.
And held a team which hadn't had less than 300 yards in a game, with multiple 400 yard games, to 188 yards. Their defense stood up deep in the red zone after an FSU punt miscue, with the game on the line, and said "not today, Louisville".
If they miss the playoffs this year, it won’t be because of the conference they play in. It will be because they are down to QB3 and their offense is limited.
If this happens , all sports fans should object. Every team, every week has someone injured and/or out. To not take FSU means the committee is playing God instead of looking at the results.
There would be no better confirmation that they are not doing that by not picking Bama or UGA this year. It’s the right decision.
If this happens , all sports fans should object. Every team, every week has someone injured and/or out. To not take FSU means the committee is playing God instead of looking at the results.
There would be no better confirmation that they are not doing that by not picking Bama or UGA this year. It’s the right decision.
Alabama had one of their top running backs out. I'd not pick them
They haven’t complained about the level of competition or the teams in the conference. They have complained about money which is a completely legit complaint. The ACC screwed all its members with poor negotiating.

How did they screw them? At the time they negotiated the highest payout for a conf. Tbey just went first and others were able to get more money as the bubble grew.
How did they screw them? At the time they negotiated the highest payout for a conf. Tbey just went first and others were able to get more money as the bubble grew.
Because they were shortsighted on market conditions and locked us into an unreasonably long contract. It wasn’t the initial $ amount that was the problem. It’s the term.
Where they gonna go? To the conference whose cozy relationship with ESPN kept them out of the playoffs? Boy, that'd show 'em!
Yes. FSU will lay themselves prone and allow the $EC and E$ecSPN to have their way with them.
Don't forget the refs screwed them over too, on what was essentially a home game.
Refs tried to screw UGAg in our game, according to the gagger behind me shrilly screaming at the refs post game as they left the field. Even my "dude, chill, look at the scoreboard. Y'all won" didn't calm him. I got "the refs tried to give the game to Georgia Tech" screamed at me. Pathetic fan base. Angry even in victory.
Because they were shortsighted on market conditions and locked us into an unreasonably long contract. It wasn’t the initial $ amount that was the problem. It’s the term.

The ACC would be the PAC 12 right now if not for the long grant of rights. That would probably be better for FSU, Clemson, and anyone else making it into the SEC or Big 10. But the GoR is doing exactly what it was meant to do: keep the ACC together.

And we're not locked in, there's an out built into it.

If the ACC schools really want to stay together and everyone is just upset about not being able to negotiate a new rate, there's nothing stopping us from dissolving the GoR and negotiating a new, higher dollar contract. It's not happening because as soon as that happens schools will bolt and the conference will die.
The ACC would be the PAC 12 right now if not for the long grant of rights. That would probably be better for FSU, Clemson, and anyone else making it into the SEC or Big 10. But the GoR is doing exactly what it was meant to do: keep the ACC together.

And we're not locked in, there's an out built into it.

If the ACC schools really want to stay together and everyone is just upset about not being able to negotiate a new rate, there's nothing stopping us from dissolving the GoR and negotiating a new, higher dollar contract. It's not happening because as soon as that happens schools will bolt and the conference will die.
Not the GOR, but the term we are tied to espn before a renegotiation.
The ACC would be the PAC 12 right now if not for the long grant of rights. That would probably be better for FSU, Clemson, and anyone else making it into the SEC or Big 10. But the GoR is doing exactly what it was meant to do: keep the ACC together.

And we're not locked in, there's an out built into it.

If the ACC schools really want to stay together and everyone is just upset about not being able to negotiate a new rate, there's nothing stopping us from dissolving the GoR and negotiating a new, higher dollar contract. It's not happening because as soon as that happens schools will bolt and the conference will die.
And that's a shame. ESPN acting with the SEC have managed to destroy college football. The Pac12 was a great conference.the ACC is a great conference. ESPN is obviously at war with the ACC, as evidenced by the anti ACC slant of the game last night. They are beholden to the SEC. We are like the frog in a pot of water, getting the heat slowly turned up until we are boiled to death.
Not the GOR, but the term we are tied to espn before a renegotiation.

Isn't that what the GoR is? It gives all member schools' broadcast rights to ESPN. If we want, we can dissolve that and negotiate a new deal with ESPN, CBS, or any other network.