Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

If that happens (48 teams) some of the existing SEC (Vandy, Missouri, maybe Ark) and some of the B1G (NW, Iowa, etc) are getting booted. It'll be the biggest 48 teams in CFB. Nobody will get grandfathered in.
If this happens, huge mistake. A lot of fans will quit watching those conferences and watch their own.
fsu is some girls school. who cares
I care.
What would the SEC get if it added Clemson or FSU? Nothing. They've got South Carolina and Florida. They've already got plenty of big stadiums, too.

What would the Big 10 get if it added Clemson or FSU? Really long multi-stop road trips to relatively small places, and the end of its long held pretense that it cares about academics.

The Big 10 would get a presence in the South by adding Clemson or FSU. But, why wouldn't it rather get its Southern presence in a major market with one stop flights and no long bus rides, and with a school that allows it to maintain its academic stance?

I could be proven wrong, but I really do believe that Tech's advantages are a lot more attractive than most people recognize. I also think that the one conference that would take FSU and Clemson would be the Big 12.

I think President Cabrera and AD Batt should start talking to the Big 10 right now, if they aren't already doing it, which I bet they are. Despite the GOR, there is a way out of everything. We should ask for admission to the Big 10 and then deal with settling up with the ACC.

I think the Big 10 would love to add Tech. Of course, nothing that happens in college sports should ever surprise anyone again.
You realize these teams aren't flying commercial, right?
The rumor is FSU, Clemson, Oregon and Washington to B1G.

That is probably worst case scenario for us because it takes away our potential landing spot in B1G as an AAU school and therefore the SEC is also not interested in picking us up to block B1G expansion. We are probably looking at the Big 12/AAC mashup or worse if this comes to pass.
I’d be ok with this if I knew GT was going back to the SEC
Which have exactly 0 sway in the decision making on these things.

I don't think we know that. There are examples of non-football considerations impacting realignment before: WVU not being accepted to the ACC due to academics, for example.

Obviously football is by far the main factor, but I could see school presidents caring at least a little bit about non-revenue sports as well. Ostensibly they actually care about student athletes in general.
I'm hearing a negotiated figure closer to $300M. However, the discussion is far from over.
Why would ACC/ESPN agree to lower the figure? That means less $ distribution to the remaining schools. You think they would be ok with it? Likely would need a vote by each member school to negotiate any buyout.
Why would ACC/ESPN agree to lower the figure? That means less $ distribution to the remaining schools. You think they would be ok with it? Likely would need a vote by each member school to negotiate any buyout.
Buyouts are always negotiated down, so it wouldn't surprise me.
IF FSU leaves for the B1G, I don't think the B1G will be content with just 1 team in the southeast. I'd think they'd come back and try to build a corridor down the coast to include UVA, UNC, Clemson, GT, FSU, and Miami in the future. But if your goal is to expand into the southeast via the ACC, you take the best and lowest hanging fruit you can via whiney FSU, lock them up before they whine their way into the SEC, and come back for other ACC teams as the dominoes start to fall.

IF ESPN can't/won't shell out additional funds to the SEC for a 9th home conference game, the SEC could be done expanding for a while depending on what happens to the market and/or new partners for Disney and ESPN.
Why would ACC/ESPN agree to lower the figure? That means less $ distribution to the remaining schools. You think they would be ok with it? Likely would need a vote by each member school to negotiate any buyout.

Legal proceedings are expensive and there's always a chance you lose, plus the discovery process can air a lot of dirty laundry.