Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

There’s a possibility that the GOR is struck down and there’s a mad rush out. Who knows

This is like a guy signing a 10 year car lease on a Lambo and then deciding after a few years he doesn't want it and will just return it without financial consequences.

And a mad rush to where?
In summary, FSU is filing a multipoint complaint indicating the contract between FSU and the ACC is in violation of Florida law (will be filed in Tallahassee). The complaint includes (among other points):
  • Restraint of trade
  • Unenforceable penalty
  • Breach of contract
The general sentiment is the ACC did not fulfill their fiduciary duty in negotiating the best media contract for its members, and the penalty to leave is in excess of actual harm done.

Immediately following the meeting, the complaint will be filed, and the ACC will be electronically served. The ACC will then file a response which should indicate their legal strategy.
In summary, FSU is filing a multipoint complaint indicating the contract between FSU and the ACC is in violation of Florida law (will be filed in Tallahassee). The complaint includes (among other points):
  • Restraint of trade
  • Unenforceable penalty
  • Breach of contract
The general sentiment is the ACC did not fulfill their fiduciary duty in negotiating the best media contract for its members, and the penalty to leave is in excess of actual harm done.

Immediately following the meeting, the complaint will be filed, and the ACC will be electronically served. The ACC will then file a response which should indicate their legal strategy.
If they win on that, then no contracts are enforceable.
I'm saying I hope FSU gets curb stomped. They could be playing a team organized by Pol Pot, Hitler, and Mussolini and I'd root for FSU to get curb stomped. Entitled bitches. They signed the GOR. They had every bit as much opportunity to say "nope, not for us" and pull a Maryland and GTFO. They signed on for the deal.

Typical American douchebaggery. I signed a contract.....but I don't wanna abide by it anymore....waaaaa
The ACC is already on life support and hooked to an IV. They are just playing Dr Kevorkian. Challenging this ridiculous GOR does everyone who gives a crap in the league a favor.
The ACC is already on life support and hooked to an IV. They are just playing Dr Kevorkian. Challenging this ridiculous GOR does everyone who gives a crap in the league a favor.
Cool. It can get challenged, become worthless, and GT can become a G5 school. Anyone thinking there is a magic money pot out there for GT is going to be disappointed. I really don't even know how viable GT will be as a program when it becomes clear, as we approach the end of our current contract, that there is nowhere to go. UGAg and our state doesn't care and will be happy to focus only on UGAg. We will end up in the same position as Washington State or Oregon State. No home.
Cool. It can get challenged, become worthless, and GT can become a G5 school. Anyone thinking there is a magic money pot out there for GT is going to be disappointed. I really don't even know how viable GT will be as a program when it becomes clear, as we approach the end of our current contract, that there is nowhere to go. UGAg and our state doesn't care and will be happy to focus only on UGAg. We will end up in the same position as Washington State or Oregon State. No home.
Yeah. I’m nearing the Acceptance part of the grief I’ve had for GT football. Hurts man. It hurts
The one little piece I find funny is they are claiming the ACC doesn’t provide enough funds but the value of the media rights is also too much.

I’m not sure how they square that legally to win a case.
Cool. It can get challenged, become worthless, and GT can become a G5 school. Anyone thinking there is a magic money pot out there for GT is going to be disappointed. I really don't even know how viable GT will be as a program when it becomes clear, as we approach the end of our current contract, that there is nowhere to go. UGAg and our state doesn't care and will be happy to focus only on UGAg. We will end up in the same position as Washington State or Oregon State. No home.
A lot of things will change the landscape over the next few years. Tech has the tradition and wealthy boosters a lot of other schools don’t have, so hopefully that will play in its favor.
But more to your point, college football is out of control, and the schools who try to promote academics are falling behind.
lol. We’re making these idiot losers spend the money to bust up the conference while we will benefit. So funny f$u doing just as we want!!
I hope some of you who have been crying for FSU take a moment to think about whom you’ve been crying for. My favorite thing after a win over the dwags is watching FSU fans look shocked and depressed. I hope nothing good ever happens to them.
Yeah it’s gonna be pretty awesome when we end up in the Sun Belt or some bastardized version of the AAC because FSU got left out.
You can bug cry all you want @verdi but that’s where it’s ööööing headed if they actually break off the ACC. The powers that be wanted this. They may even be helping pay for it. FSU could likely fundraise their way to paying for a lot of this on the back end of the emotional rejection by the CFP

the SEC has no reason to take GT. None. Nada. Zilch. Anyone who thinks that’s a possibility is on drugs. The good parts of the new Big 12 will be consumed by the SEC. And we will have the college football version of the AFC and NFC. Good ACC schools to Big Ten.
We’ll see FSU’s strategy. Filing for discovery to see if there is any league favoritism. Use that to show the acc breached the contract, then ealk out penalty free.
If it is ironclad then nothing happens. If it isn’t we will get picked up by SEC/Big 10? No big deal either way.
Assuming we have ACC refs for the game in Dublin, looking forward to possibly being on the benefit side of a rediculously biased jobbing by the zebras for once.
Oh my God some of the comments. Everything about money has to do with football. Replacing FSU with UCF? Lol. What a joke. We are already a joke of a conference by adding Stanford and Cal Berkeley. and SMU, which has an almost no footprint out of desperation, hail marry to make the conference relevant. Which it’s not relevant at all. If FSU leaves rest assured Clemson is next to the SEC, or whoever will be happy to take both. The ACC will be completely useless, and a joke, even more so than it is today. There is no prominent football tier one teams in the ACC. If FSU and Clemson leave. That’s just a fact. We can pretend Miami is, but they are not. Virginia Tech is not. Georgia Tech is not. No one else is every team in the ACC other than those two are tier 2 teams.

Only masked by Bobby Dodd decision to leave the SEC as the worst and program history is our decision to not join the big ten 14 years ago.

Georgia Tech better not be defending the ACC because that’s the vine they’re going to die on eventually. Contractual law is very very interpretive and if FSU has a legal case that can be made this thing could blow up.

I for one hope we find another option in the next 2 to 3 years for a conference. And I hope we do it on the heels of Brent Key turning the program around. No one gives a flying F about basketball women’s volleyball women’s softball or whatever. It’s all about football and right now the ACC is a second tier conference further proven by the fact an undefeated ACC team can’t make the playoffs
From Tomahawk Nation-

  1. The ACC is not guaranteed any television revenue after 2027 — something that was unable to be known unless members took the time to fly to Charlotte and review the locked-down contract. ESPN has a unilateral right to extend the ACC’s media deal after 2027 but hasn’t exercised that option yet. The ACC also extended the window for ESPN to pick up that option until 2025 without a vote of the schools or conference directors as was required by the conference bylaws.
  2. Ashburn stated that FSU signed the 2016 Grant of Rights agreement because ESPN gave an ultimatum that it would not enter into any additional media agreements unless the GOR was extended through 2036. He immediately followed that with “We don’t believe that holds water.”